
  1. Goped Fred

    A Touchy Subject

    I enjoy doing gameplay commentaries about thought envoking things, and I have a subject matter I think would really be cool to do, but want a few opinions on the matter first before I run with it. I'm wanting to do a commentary on my beliefs. I'm a Christian, and I know how touchy people get...
  2. manjes

    Resuelto Opinion del Foro

    Hola que tal amigos y compañeros buenos pues quisiera saber sus puntos de vista u opiniones acerca del foro sobre el tiempo que llevan aqui ha sido util para ti, ha resuelto tus dudas hasta el momento y que piensas que deberian mejorar :D...
  3. mumongugaming

    What's your Opinion ?

    Hello Guys & Gals, hope you are all well. I'm hoping you guys can help. I have a YouTube Channel (shock,horror,gasp) Could you please have a look and tell me where I'm going wrong and what I need to improve. Your feedback, would be most welcome. Thanks for reading this....HUGS
  4. B

    Do you agree with Shoutouts? Why?

    My opinion to shoutouts is just a big DISAGREEMENT. From my point of view, shoutouts are promotions for small channels from big YouTubers with a large growing subscribers and views. These shoutouts shouldn't be done because it doesn't create an active fanbase, just a manipulation of subscribers...
  5. IndieBin

    What's the line between Goofy and Cringy?

    Was wondering this the other day. Everything I produce, I find really, really cringy. I enjoy what I do and what I make, but watching myself back on video is just the worst! So I was wondering. For you guys watching a Youtube video? What makes things like Markiplier or Pewdiepie goofy and what...
  6. dazeap

    Que opinas de Mario Kart 8?

    Buenas tardes a todos, soy adicto a los juegos de Nintendo y disparos. En el momento en mi canal tengo videos de Nintendo especialmente de Mario Kart 8 mientras vuelvo a conseguir mi ps4 para tener más variedad de juegos. Mi opinion sobre Mario Kart 8 es que me encanta el juego, se entretiene...
  7. CBlairzy

    Who Is Your Favorite YouTuber And Why?

    I've been watching a lot of people on YouTube lately, and I've noticed, people are picking it up lately! So hard to pick a favorite YouTuber! I wanted to know "who is your favorite YouTuber and why?" My favorite YouTuber is MiniLadd. He is jsut so entertaining and always has my attention. Making...
  8. FrostByteTV

    Is my banner a Go or No GO?

    I've been on photoshop creating a banner that best fits my name. I want the communities opinion because what you guys think is going to be what my viewers and subscribers also think? Is it a go, or a no go? https://gyazo.com/0b031041950d1df044335c46471e0442
  9. SuperRetroBro

    Reaction channels are garbage

    For the past 10 years I been watching videos on YouTube and so far I've seen so much really creative channels.Over time I seen a rise on Gaming, Vlogs and Review channels. But I seen a rise on a type of content call "Reaction" videos. I seen this with the Fine Brother and I was like "Huh seem...
  10. joaopneves

    Service Request Channel feedback

    Hello ya'all! I really would like to ask you your honest opinion about my youtube channel. I'm on youtube for about five months now and I would like to know if I'm doing a good job. I'm having fun with this project, and I think that alone is already a positive thing to think about. But as I...
  11. Defiancey

    Twitch Streaming vs. Youtube Streaming?

    Hey, everyone wanted to see your guys opinion on Twitch vs. Youtube Streaming?
  12. BedfastDuck

    YOUR 2015 Game of the Year?

    Whether you are a AAA player or an Indy Gamer, everyone had a game in 2015 that was THERE Game of the Year. What is yours? Mine is probably Fallout 4.
  13. Forward Ho!

    What kind of content do you want to see from me?

    Hey guys! John here, for Forward Ho! Productions, and I want some opinions on what type of content I should make next, for example, I can make VFX shorts, sketches and things of that nature, or I could make some tutorials on how to do the effects like I would do in my main shorts... I can teach...
  14. FainterStreak

    Which is better? Geometry Dash or The Impossible Game?

    Both are great. For me, I lean more to Geometry Dash. If you want to see a video about this topic you can go to a video on my channel: What's your opinion? Let me know in the comments!
  15. Devon Goth

    Content Change!

    I used to be all about let's plays and skits, but after recently returning to YouTube a month ago I decided to change my format and style of videos. My new videos are basically commentary's and discussions. I tell life stories, I talk about media and anything that goes viral, and I review...
  16. DigitalMixHD

    Games to play!

    If you seen me anywhere else in the forum's i am stuck for what series to start next, ive had a few mixed answers so i could really do with some help, so if you are reading this could you please complete the poll it would be much appreciated :)
  17. Seven

    Freedom needs to work on some stuff.

    So it's official. I'm fed up with the lack of reliability of Freedom's earnings system. I do not make a lot of money from YouTube; I still expect to be paid what I work for. For the month of November, It was confirmed I was supposed to be receiving 19 cents. So after waiting for the money to be...
  18. G

    are saying are better modern or ancient games?

    ami I think you are better modern it!