Offering Hey guys! Let me give you feedback regarding your channel!

KrazyK Gaming

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jul 30, 2015
Southern California
Hey i just started my channel a few weeks ago. I would love to see if i'm on the right track or not :D

Hi Hoardy!
Your banner and logo kind of look like they are one. You should think about trying to make it seem like it's possibly different from one another. But that's just me. I like how your thumbnails match the background of what is going on in each shot. Your "About me" section is simple and to the point.

I've noticed that in your intro vid, you have a link to your twitter, but you don't have any links setup in the link area. If you have any friends, you should add them into your "Featured Channels" list as well as Freedom!.

You're on the right track, just need to put more time into making your channel look like it's going to stick around for a while longer.

KrazyK Gaming

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jul 30, 2015
Southern California
Can I have some feedback please? Only been Youtubing 7 weeks I think it is now so would love some help.

After looking at your "About Me" section, I had to wonder to myself if you were me because 2 out of 3 of those games are freaking amazing and I played them growing up, too. Anyways, that section is on point and looks pretty good. I like your logo and your Banner looks pretty good too. Your videos are well organized, kind of long, but organized. You should consider playing around with shorter videos and see if your views per video increases or stays the same. I've watched a couple of your videos, and you're kind of quiet and you mumble a bit. Try speaking a bit louder and clearer. You don't really have any thumbnails on a lot of your videos, and some people are picky about that. I personally don't care.


KrazyK Gaming

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jul 30, 2015
Southern California

You joined youtube on Feb 6, 2016, so I'll cut you a lot of slack. But these are things I feel that you MUST work on. I watched one of your videos and noticed that your voice was spiking. I figured "Hey, maybe it's just this one video..." So I clicked on another. Heard the same thing. So when you're editing your videos, you need to pay attention to the how the audio looks. If you use Adobe Premiere like I do, it'll look like this (Uploaded). Make sure to use the sliders to make it so your voice isn't hurting peoples ears. Make sure you watch your videos after you edit them, too.

You don't have any channels featured or any links ready to go. Maybe after some more work on your channel you can come back here, but until then, 2/10


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KrazyK Gaming

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jul 30, 2015
Southern California
When you have the time, I will be glad to have the feedback :D

I feel like the music too loud in the intro for this specific video. If you Premiere like I do, you should consider doing something similar to what I do.
Please click the link: and I'll give you an explanation of what you see here. Audio 2 is the is the audio that isn't muted or turned down at all. Audio 3 is for the Music that is in parts where I want it to be quieter. Then Audio 4 is where the music is louder than Audio 3 since Audio 1 is muted. I hope that's easy to understand. It's confusing at first, but trust me, it'll make things much better for your vids.

Anywho... I found me watching your face more than your gameplay which is why I don't do facecams myself. You have some pretty good thumbnails, your banner looks good. Your logo doesn't quite fit the theme of your banner in my opinion, but that's okay. Your "About me" Is kind of lacking and you don't have any links for social media or anything nor do you have any featured channels. I recommend doing a bit more work on it.


KrazyK Gaming

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jul 30, 2015
Southern California
Thank you kind sir!
All right, so looking at your channel, I see that only your Kingdom Hearts series has a playlist set aside for it. However, the rest of your videos aren't organized despite you having a couple of other series on there. Your thumbnails are pretty good looking. I like your banner! Plus your logo fits in pretty well. Your "About me" section is pretty good and you even tell people when you upload! You have your links, you're looking pretty good.


The Bossman

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Jan 23, 2016
After looking at your "About Me" section, I had to wonder to myself if you were me because 2 out of 3 of those games are freaking amazing and I played them growing up, too. Anyways, that section is on point and looks pretty good. I like your logo and your Banner looks pretty good too. Your videos are well organized, kind of long, but organized. You should consider playing around with shorter videos and see if your views per video increases or stays the same. I've watched a couple of your videos, and you're kind of quiet and you mumble a bit. Try speaking a bit louder and clearer. You don't really have any thumbnails on a lot of your videos, and some people are picky about that. I personally don't care.

Yeah shorted videos is definitely something I have been looking in to to try and keep people entertained. I have sorted out my mic which was the main issue with sound.

Thanks for the feedback though.


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jan 15, 2016
Hey everyone, I see a lot of people requesting feedback and figured I'd make a topic for those who want the feedback.

Post in here with a link either in your post or in your signature and I'll be more than happy to give you feedback based upon my opinion. Please be aware that I like to be honest and that I'm kind of OCD about certain things. I know my channel at the moment isn't the greatest looking, but I still want to help others.

I'll give you feed back, rate your channel from 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best) and give you some suggestions based on what I would do.
I wouldn't mind some feedback


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Aug 27, 2015
Thank you kind sir!
All right, so looking at your channel, I see that only your Kingdom Hearts series has a playlist set aside for it. However, the rest of your videos aren't organized despite you having a couple of other series on there. Your thumbnails are pretty good looking. I like your banner! Plus your logo fits in pretty well. Your "About me" section is pretty good and you even tell people when you upload! You have your links, you're looking pretty good.

Wow !! Thank You, I wasn't expecting a good rating, I am now creating playlists for my other videos for easier access for anyone who visits my channel in the future.
Thanks again for your review !!
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Armando Herrera

Active Member
Oct 6, 2015
Hey everyone, I see a lot of people requesting feedback and figured I'd make a topic for those who want the feedback.

Post in here with a link either in your post or in your signature and I'll be more than happy to give you feedback based upon my opinion. Please be aware that I like to be honest and that I'm kind of OCD about certain things. I know my channel at the moment isn't the greatest looking, but I still want to help others.

I'll give you feed back, rate your channel from 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best) and give you some suggestions based on what I would do.
Hye dude id really appreciate the feedback! please come by my channel :D


Rising User
Jun 22, 2015
I feel like the music too loud in the intro for this specific video. If you Premiere like I do, you should consider doing something similar to what I do.
Please click the link: and I'll give you an explanation of what you see here. Audio 2 is the is the audio that isn't muted or turned down at all. Audio 3 is for the Music that is in parts where I want it to be quieter. Then Audio 4 is where the music is louder than Audio 3 since Audio 1 is muted. I hope that's easy to understand. It's confusing at first, but trust me, it'll make things much better for your vids.

Anywho... I found me watching your face more than your gameplay which is why I don't do facecams myself. You have some pretty good thumbnails, your banner looks good. Your logo doesn't quite fit the theme of your banner in my opinion, but that's okay. Your "About me" Is kind of lacking and you don't have any links for social media or anything nor do you have any featured channels. I recommend doing a bit more work on it.


Ok, thanks for the reply :D
I will take all the things you said and improve my vids like that and maybe post the "better version of my vid sometime here soon". Ok bye (y) (Y)
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KrazyK Gaming

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jul 30, 2015
Southern California

Upon watching your channel trailer, I was really confused as to what dinosaurs had to do with anything until I looked at your videos in which I was like "OH, THIS IS COOL!" and was awfully surprised to see something incredibly unique through the 6 pages worth of posts.

I really like your logo. Your banner seems kinda plain, but I like how you managed to capture the suns brightness. Your about section is pretty simple, lacking a bit of information regarding your channel though. I also see that you link to Newgrounds, which I haven't visited in forever.

Your videos are well organized and extremely unique.

I enjoy your channel and everything about it seems pretty cool and I honestly don't believe in giving out perfect scores... but... I'll make an exception in your case. 10/10