Offering Hey guys! Let me give you feedback regarding your channel!

KrazyK Gaming

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jul 30, 2015
Southern California
Hey everyone, I see a lot of people requesting feedback and figured I'd make a topic for those who want the feedback.

Post in here with a link in your post and I'll be more than happy to give you feedback based upon my opinion. Please be aware that I like to be honest and that I'm kind of OCD about certain things. I know my channel at the moment isn't the greatest looking, but I still want to help others.

I'll give you feed back, rate your channel from 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best) and give you some suggestions based on what I would do.

If your channel is based around Call of Duty,Minecraft, or Pranks I will not give you a score.
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KrazyK Gaming

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jul 30, 2015
Southern California

Im glad you got my tweet bro. I checked out both your gaming channel and your tech channel. I love the mint theme cause I personally love minty things!

I really like the fact your playlists are highly organized. They're clean. I see you did a lot of Minecraft and they got a decent amount of likes for how little subs you have. Which is exciting! However, I'm slightly confused by your video in your channel preview. Is that supposed to be a "Best Moments of 2015" type video? One moment, you and your friend are horsing around and then the next you're killing your friends. So Im not too sure what to think about it.

However, you then announced that you weren't going to do minecraft anymore and you were going to do indie games. As a small channel, nobody is going to want to watch you play indie games. At least not in my opinion. I barely enjoy watching people with 1m+ subs play them.

On Twitter, I noticed you said you were having a rough time because you thought Freedom! wasn't helping you. However, my suggestion to you is to keep working at it. However, you have 65 videos on your channel in the normal menu, but only 26 are listed in the playlists. So you should figure that out.

As for your tech channel, you speak very clearly and whatnot, but you are doing Android vs Apple in some of them it feels like. You should be aware that can cause some people to unsubscribe to you as well.

Your gaming channel gets a 4
Your tech channel gets a 6
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New User
Feb 6, 2016
Thank you, I really appreciate your feedback. Yes, that is a "Best Moments of 2015" video, although not including Jan-April 2015 because I started in May. I will start to add more of my videos to my playlists, thanks for that tip. I've gotten tired of MC and don't have much money for AAA games, so indie is really all I can do, and I do them in a funny moments style, and then the occasional Minecraft video with a more relaxed style.

Thanks for your feedback! I will take your suggestions to heart and try to use it to improve.
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KrazyK Gaming

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jul 30, 2015
Southern California
Thank you, I really appreciate your feedback. Yes, that is a "Best Moments of 2015" video, although not including Jan-April 2015 because I started in May. I will start to add more of my videos to my playlists, thanks for that tip. I've gotten tired of MC and don't have much money for AAA games, so indie is really all I can do, and I do them in a funny moments style, and then the occasional Minecraft video with a more relaxed style.

Thanks for your feedback! I will take your suggestions to heart and try to use it to improve.
Hey no problem man. Good luck. I hope you see improvements :D

KrazyK Gaming

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jul 30, 2015
Southern California
I would love some feedback
I love the skyline banner you have. I also love your thumbnails for the Call of Duty funny moments videos. Its cool how you and your friends have a name for yourselves that isn't "The Crew..." like a lot of other people do. I don't really find your friends funny enough to be in your videos, but you do and you guys have fun together so that's all that matters.

I like the fact that your videos are organized and labeled in a way that makes my OCD happy. Your intro is cool as well.

For some of your videos, I have noticed that cropping a bit weird and they all seem kind of low resolution. My suggestion to you is to play around with your recording settings some more and see what your system can handle before things become a bit laggy FPS wise. Other than that, cool channel.



Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 31, 2016
I would like some feedzback. Im a Music and Gaming hybrid, but I have been doing music on it alot more recently.
I am very Weeabooy so try nawt to mind all de weeaboo stuff <3
You may look at my channel as a whole, But I would really like feedback on these 3 specific videos :

(Desire is in english btw)


Ethan Wu

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 18, 2015
Hey everyone, I see a lot of people requesting feedback and figured I'd make a topic for those who want the feedback.

Post in here with a link either in your post or in your signature and I'll be more than happy to give you feedback based upon my opinion. Please be aware that I like to be honest and that I'm kind of OCD about certain things. I know my channel at the moment isn't the greatest looking, but I still want to help others.

I'll give you feed back, rate your channel from 1 to 10 (1 being the worst and 10 being the best) and give you some suggestions based on what I would do.
My channel link is below