Search results

  1. TheGaming Prince 1

    Gaming Want to watch

    Want to watch good video$ and funny people playing together. Check me out on for more and for rts related videos go here:
  2. TheGaming Prince 1

    PC Looking for people to Collab with

    Just Looking for people to collab with. Games like Lol/Don't Starve/Arma 2 (OA,Dayz Etc)Project Zomboid and many more games on steam just look at my games. Add me here. Steam Community :: [TKON] TheGaming Prince Or just comment here your steam.
  3. TheGaming Prince 1

    PC Collab

    PC Collab all I want. Steam is right here if you want to contact me.
  4. TheGaming Prince 1

    200 or more subs

    So this is about help. this thread is for anyone with adleast 200 subscribers... I need a better method to get subs and views than just upload constanly because I find that that's a thing for only popular youtubers. So can I get any help and tips. Thanks
  5. TheGaming Prince 1

    PC Collab

    I'm pretty sure I don't have to really Explain what I do since you can look at my channel and not be lazy but I will. I do Men of War Assault Squad 2 Battles, Pokémon Uranium Walkthrough and A Series called Fallout Stories.
  6. TheGaming Prince 1

    Solved Community Badge

    So 2nd time. I've been putting in exactly what my credientials on the Freedom Dashboard when it asks me to put my information for the freedom dashboard but it says No user found with the argument: "TheGaming Prince 1," I keep trying and I put in a password since I used to login with social...
  7. TheGaming Prince 1

    PC Subs

    Anyone who got a decent amount of subs wanna collab with me I need all the help I can get. Alo if you do Men of War or Total War I would like that.
  8. TheGaming Prince 1

    Games I like.

    Well I love a lot of games, a lot of people like games due to graphics but for me its Gameplay. A Fan of Pokémon and Star Wars so I like star wars games including Jedi Knight Series. I also love RTS Games which conclude of Company of Heroes, Total War and Men of War. Huge Fan of Fallout and its...
  9. TheGaming Prince 1


    So this is a repost since no one replied to the last one but what I wanted to know is what should I do now. I've been accepeted into freedom so now I can gain income but when it comes to growing my channel I don't know where to start besides Collab so if you all have tips and tricks please leave...
  10. TheGaming Prince 1

    Freedom Badge

    This must be like my 4th post lol. I tried to receive my forum badge but it just keeps saying no user found with this name so is there anywhere else I should go or contact support again. I even put the , on it and it says user not found but without it it says hash missiong/value or whatever.
  11. TheGaming Prince 1

    Gaming Pc Gamer

    I am a PC gamer though I am limited to games due to the crappyness of this computer and a money budget. If I do be successful on Youtube I can use this money for a new PC. I would like someone to Collab with. I mostly do Men of War Assault Squad 2 editor battles. I could also Some Total War and...
  12. TheGaming Prince 1

    Gaming Introduction.

    Hello there. I am TheGaming prince. After contacting support I was helped out and Accepted to freedom. I look forward to working with al of you. If you need m youtube channel here it is.
  13. TheGaming Prince 1

    Solved Confused?

    So it says here that my application has been accepted and I will be reviewed. I was out the Quene of 1000+ and they said they would review it but it's been almost 2 weeks so I don't know whats going on but I just wanted to know if I'm actually being reviewed. Also I use AdSense so will I still...
  14. TheGaming Prince 1

    Solved Accepted....Sort of?

    So I recently left AdSense for freedom due to them having better income and a community of helpers. It says my channel is under review but at the same time it says. Welcome to the Freedom! family. You have now been fully accepted Pease check our youtube channel for more instructions on how to...
  15. TheGaming Prince 1

    Gaming Introduction

    Hello...My name is TheGamingPrince and I am a small youtuber who's been around for almost 4 years. Although I don't get a lot of subs I do get A decent amount of views. I tried to use AdSense to make profit but it didn't work. I recently left it and joined Freedom because they actually have a...