Recent content by tippsy711

  1. tippsy711

    Other Milestone I did it!

    Hey everyone! I did not know where to put this, I thought it fitting to put this here. I am leaving Freedom!. I had a great time being partnered with Freedom! and I met a lot of people. It just did not help me grow in the way I wanted, therefore, I am leaving to further my horizons. Freedom...
  2. tippsy711

    What makes you lose interest?

    Hey everyone. A simple question: While watching a Youtube video, what makes you lose interest in it? It would be nice if you had a better answer then "It was boring". I want to know why you think it was boring? For me personally, I quickly lose interest in a video when a person gets lost, and...
  3. tippsy711

    PC Podcast

    What do you mean you're at soup?
  4. tippsy711

    PC Podcast

    Alright, I will be in contact with you all soon, keep posted.
  5. tippsy711

    PC Podcast

    Hello my fine, young folk. I am here on behalf of Freewhyfhy, and we are looking for a person that likes to talk about anything! Well, we mostly focus on video games and electronics, we do also talk about other worldly things. We are currently on Soundcloud and iTunes store and as well Youtube...
  6. tippsy711

    Review4Review Check me out ill check you out?

    I do apologize, I had a typo, I meant 1920 x 1080
  7. tippsy711

    Request feedback on new video

    Yeah :p Thats what meant
  8. tippsy711

    Review4Review Check me out ill check you out?

    Hello, going to give a few tips, I know I am not alone with this, but the black bars around a video kill me, now not all the parts of the video were like this, but a good majority of them were. Keep in mind, it pleases a lot of people if you keep your video resolution consistent with 16:9 if you...
  9. tippsy711

    Request Review on my Recent Tutorial?

    The video is pretty darn good, nice and intuitive, how ever, while watching I noticed that you had a audio glitches, probably something to do with your encoder. As well, personally, while watching a tutorial, I do not like to wait, so perhaps, and again up to you, be prepared for when you do a...
  10. tippsy711

    Request Channel Review?!

    First, and please do follow this tip. While editing you video, or if you don't edit, just turn down your mic volume please, my poor ears. I am not to sure about your content, as I do not care for mobile gaming, that is a personal choice so I cannot critic what you are pumping out. Your...
  11. tippsy711

    Request feedback on new video

    Video is good, commentary is good too, maybe, this might be just me, but maybe turn your background music down a touch, it will make your voice pop more :) As for your thumbnails, I noticed that a lot of them are cut off. Remember while making them to make sure that your canvas size is a 16:9...
  12. tippsy711

    Request Is it really that bad?

    Your game volume is too loud, it clashes with your own voice. Your video player says HD, but you still have a black border around the video, meaning its scaled down, which could be a turn off for some people. Honestly, the repetition gets old really quick. I also took a look at your channel and...
  13. tippsy711

    Request It's been a while, tell me how it is please

    Hey everyone, I haven't posted in this thread section in a while, but I am back, and will be more active! Could you please review :) Thanks :) (if you even want you can sub, or if you want to play a game with me, feel free to message me)
  14. tippsy711

    Request Channel Review Please.

    Your channel is very clean, I like it a lot, keep it up :)
  15. tippsy711

    Request Review my channel!

    Well, Your videos are pretty nice, it is a different style of editing, obviously you are pretty new to it all, and that is okay, with more experience, you will for sure improve. Lots of people will tell you that pumping out a video everyday is the way to go, but that is not always the case...