Tips & Tricks Settings For OBS NVIDIA NVENC


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Freedom! Member
Whats up guys if you are having some trouble on OBS with High CPU usage and dropped Frames While Recording. Want some help with the Settings? i have a video here that helps people who Dont have the best CPU but want to still use OBS for recording! Nvidia Nvenc is good because it uses the GPU to render rather than CPU or x264 i use Nvidia Nvenc Preset for this exact reason, Because Games Like Battlefield 1 and Rainbow six siege are very CPU intensive games my CPU is already taking 80%-90% usage without even Recording. Nvidia Nvenc uses the same record settings as Shadow play but obs has better streaming abilities and mic adjustments

***You can only use these settings if you have a Nvidia Graphics card ***

Just recently i downscaled all of my videos to 720p because of storage issues but these settings can record 1080p60fps no problem