obs recording problems

  1. RatbagGaming2

    Tips & Tricks Settings For OBS NVIDIA NVENC

    Whats up guys if you are having some trouble on OBS with High CPU usage and dropped Frames While Recording. Want some help with the Settings? i have a video here that helps people who Dont have the best CPU but want to still use OBS for recording! Nvidia Nvenc is good because it uses the GPU to...
  2. mark street 2

    Tips & Tricks OBS ENCODING FOR AMD GPUS??????

    Hey Guys! I just found this out and I wanna share it with my Family! If you are like me and you use an AMD Graphics card, and you try to use OBS to record, you know that you actually cant use any other encoder than the standard x264 encoder which is veru CPU intensive and its hard to record and...