obs settings

  1. RatbagGaming2

    Tips & Tricks Settings For OBS NVIDIA NVENC

    Whats up guys if you are having some trouble on OBS with High CPU usage and dropped Frames While Recording. Want some help with the Settings? i have a video here that helps people who Dont have the best CPU but want to still use OBS for recording! Nvidia Nvenc is good because it uses the GPU to...
  2. Rafij Rahman

    Tech Record Your Computer Screen For Free!! | By Rohan

    ❝Download OBS---https://obsproject.com❞ If you want to make a channel on tutorial,howto videos or gameplay obviously you will need a great screen recorder.& their is a lot of recorder for record your screen.But which one is the best.Is there any software that can record both screen &...
  3. CakeLikesPie

    Tips & Tricks How to Record with OBS and have 0 lag by DIRECTLY Recording the Game!

    Today I made a video explaining all the confusions and misconceptions of OBS and tell you my PERSONAL OBS settings that record videos in smaller file sized in full 1080p60 and above by telling you how to get obs to directly record your game so you don't lag in games (legit you drop only like 5...