Gaming Hey you would like some help with your youtube channels? I can help you out :)


Respected User
Hello everyone
I have made this thread to help you all out, maybe if you would like a shoutout then feel free to let me know and I will happily put you on a list to a series called 'Shoutout saturday' I also started this series because I have just reached 1,000 subscribers and I know how it feels to have less than 1,000. So I really want to help you out. I can give you,
- A Shoutout
- Some tips
- collab
- If you have a ps4 then maybe you can join me in one of my videos
And more....
You decide :)

This is optional but if you would like to help me back ( which you don't have to ) by maybe subscribing to my channel so you don't miss out any content I upload. If you decide that you do want to then feel free to click on my channel at the bottom or go toy youtube and simply put ' wiskorgaming'. If you decide no then you dont have to worry, you will still get everything you need :) But again you guys decide :)
Thank you for reading.
I hope to see you all soon
Peace everyone
- kris/ wiskorgaming


Rising User
I am a comic book/super hero channel and I would love for you to give me a shoutout. My channel name is : Comic Dj. I have a picture of spiderman. Thanks!


Respected User
I will be happy to add you to my shoutout saturday video. If you would like yto talk on skype then my name on it is wiskorgaming. Thanks

Goped Fred

Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
I'd enjoy a shout out! My YouTube name is Goped Fred, and I enjoy making videos centered around positivity, bettering yourself, and (of course) gaming! I'd like to know I've made an impact in somebody's life, so the more people I reach it to the better! Thank you, and best regards

-Goped Fred


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Hey, Im at 119 subs now and my current goal is 150. I make smilar videos to Leafy and Pyrocynical so some of my content is kinda satire. I also do some montages so It would be really cool if you could give me a shoutout. :) I'll sub to you and check your channel in return.


Respected User
I'd enjoy a shout out! My YouTube name is Goped Fred, and I enjoy making videos centered around positivity, bettering yourself, and (of course) gaming! I'd like to know I've made an impact in somebody's life, so the more people I reach it to the better! Thank you, and best regards

-Goped Fred

That's cool, I like youtube like you :) people who care about other people and at the same time you care about yourself. That's. Really what I try to do. Balance both. Anyway I will be really happy to give you a shoutout :)


Rising User
Hey bro if u want we can make a video togeather im also on ps4 but i would like a shoutout mostly because im not able to play ps4 that often so im at 270 subscribers if u could help me out that would be great if u want to add me on skype its ZeroGaming12


Rising User
Freedom! Member
I am just starting and its a little hard for me and everyone else who has less subs . I apriciate what you are doing here , you don't see such good hearthed people on youtube who would help someone else without asking for anything in return. Because if that I subbed to your channel . Keep being awsome :D
I would apriciate if you could shout out my channel :D

Pk Freezie

New User
Hey what your doing here is great. Giving back to the community for people who struggle to get themselves out there. It would be a great help to get a shout out and extremely helpful. I will check out your channel even if I don't get a shout out because helping other people is a good thing to do.

Here is my channel if anyone wants to take a look:
I mainly focus on nintendo based games/montages but hopefully if all goes well i can branch out to other consoles.