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  1. Alkaline Martin

    Network Unlinked and See ya

    Well as everyone has surely noticed a lot of people have been getting unlinked from Freedom.. and i was on my youtube dashboard just a few minutes ago and i see that my channel is now unlinked from Freedom. Ok, now after that last part your prob thinking "oh no here comes another P'd off rant"...
  2. Alkaline Martin

    Gaming XB1 Gaming group

    some of the other random games would be the likes of Fifa with Crusifix and like RWBY: Grimm Eclipse for myself and there are other games if you want to know all the games (for myself anyways) just ask. But when you say we just need to come up with a name.. is a group name really that important?
  3. Alkaline Martin

    Gaming UK Youtubers

    I'm from the UK, even though not that long ago we tried not to be (scotland)
  4. Alkaline Martin

    XBox Looking to collab and have fun

    The Games i have are: Grand Theft Auto 5 Rocket League Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Rainbow Six Siege Elder Scrolls Online UFC 2 Mortal Kombat X WWE 2K17 RWBY: Grimm Eclipse Awesome Man, You can add me if your interested GT is GRT Alkaline.. what games would you be up for?
  5. Alkaline Martin

    Renting privately only on benefits as income in UK

    Hey, when it comes to private rent, i dont have a personal experience as it's council rent for me, but i only recieve a careers allowance as my housemate has epilepsy and she receives DLA and ESA, but the housing benifit will pay for private rent, all the details should be on the Citizen Advise...
  6. Alkaline Martin


    Yeah i'll let cru know, Crusifix and myself set up one of those xbox group things so it would make it easier to see who is doing what instead of going through friends lists, and there is a couple others that are there, we've not done much with it yet, its still name the random name Cru gave it...
  7. Alkaline Martin


    I think that would be pretty cool mate, plus some exposure to others and a review never goes amiss. with a review i might skip the videos that feature you as you may have some bias with those ones lol
  8. Alkaline Martin


    As always i'm down for that, and i know one of the guys i play with CrusifixYT will be down for that aswell seeing as hes been looking for more people to collab with too.
  9. Alkaline Martin

    XBox Looking to collab and have fun

    Yeah mate, always down for some collab work just add me on xbox GRT Alkaline
  10. Alkaline Martin

    YouTube Trying to reach 50 subs!?

    Hey, Firstly i had a watch of a couple of your videos and you say "i know that my videos really arent all that good" but after watching a Nuzlocke video of yours i need to say personally i think you are mistaken there haha, the video quality was great and the commentary was really good...
  11. Alkaline Martin

    XBox Looking for people to join a YouTube collab Crew

    Erm...Erm they are still in the group... in no way what so ever have i eaten them just dont check :rolleyes:
  12. Alkaline Martin

    XBox Looking for people to join a YouTube collab Crew

    I will be, i'll make sure i am either way RCG i will get an invite to the xbox group to you a lil later when i get onto the xbox (The xbox group is just so we can see who of us all are on in one nicely package area, rumor has it the group has cookies XD lol)
  13. Alkaline Martin

    XBox Looking for people to join a YouTube collab Crew

    Two months till you turn 16 ohhhh i dont know about that :p jk I'll add you just now.Is your gt all the 1 word?
  14. Alkaline Martin

    XBox Looking for people to join a YouTube collab Crew

    I got your request on xbox buddy, added you to aswell. Cool man, what's your GT,and what kind of games do you play?
  15. Alkaline Martin

    XBox Looking to collab and have fun

    Cool bud, just added you now
  16. Alkaline Martin

    Request channel review please

    Here it goes lol, I do like your video's (yes even minecraft, haha) but when it comes to the audio/commentary i would suggest going into the game options and turning down the volume in game, that way your audience can hear you speak over the gameplay and maybe speak a little more (what i know...
  17. Alkaline Martin

    XBox Looking for people to join a YouTube collab Crew

    I play them also, apart from battlefield. and with cod ita only black ops 3 (xb1) and black ops 2 (360)
  18. Alkaline Martin

    XBox Looking for people to join a YouTube collab Crew

    Cool, if you like, you can add my xbox gamertag: GRT Alkaline I won't be on the xbox till a later today (or tomorrow, depending on how you look at things with it being 1am) what kind of games do you play?
  19. Alkaline Martin

    XBox Looking for people to join a YouTube collab Crew

    Hey, it's not going to be a new channel, it will be like a group to play/record but still all have our individual channel's rather than a group channel. if that make sense.
  20. Alkaline Martin

    XBox Looking for people to join a YouTube collab Crew

    My GT is GRT Alkaline, i just noticed it on the post just now.. :D