Offering Reviews For YOU!


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
As the title says...i am going to review anyone who comments on this thread
Bare in mind i am going to be Honest and not going to sugar coat anything.i will say what i think of your channel which can be something very nice or something very bad (Of course i am NOT going to say something like "get cancer"...thats just faaaaaar past rude XD,also i am human XD)
Please comment down and ASK me to review your channel (It is kinda the nice thing to do here XD) and please please please dont comment something "I posted a thread in this section for my channel.Please look at that".lol i am not gonna go search for that thread XD
Also....IF (Only IF,not forcing you guys XD ) you guys want to,then please check out my channel and tell me what you guys thought of it :)


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Apr 22, 2015
Hey! Thanks for doing this, I'd be glad if you could do a review in my last video, I didn't do videos in a while so It's my first video in like 9 months, would love to hear what you have to say about it! (don't be gentle) ;)



Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Hey! Thanks for doing this, I'd be glad if you could do a review in my last video, I didn't do videos in a while so It's my first video in like 9 months, would love to hear what you have to say about it! (don't be gentle) ;)

1.Well i am just reviewing that video since you mentioned the review
2.You should work on your accent just a little bit coz at certain times it was kinda tough to understand what you were saying
3.There is this weird echo in your audio almost like you were recording in a Huge room with very few items that absorb sounds
4.Your partner defiantly has a strong accent..sooooo yeeeah....
5.Good job with the didnot seem forceful and that's what made the intro funny
6.The the thumbnail seemed like you just slapped on the game's name on a pic of the intro..which well wasnt the could defiantly do better
7.Your description of the video was short which many people dont prefer (not dont like) but for that it is more of a "To each,his own" kinda i will let that slide XD
8.i assume your partner has a YT channel as well in which case you should defiantly add a link to his channel because...well....he is a guest is the nice thing to do :) . Also...Mention the a link to the game coz well...its the nice thing to do.Yes i saw the name of the game in "Game"
9.Audio balance is a must for videos....towards the end,when the epic music began and the bomb timer started beeping,i could barely understand what you guys were saying
10.the avatar you used...Unless you drew that or have the artist's permission i really wouldnt recommend using that coz if the original artist found MIGHT become a bad situation.However if you did draw that then you are really talented :D (Yeah i know i said i would only talk about that video but the channel icon was good)
11.All in all i will give the video a 8/10
It was funny,interesting and i really didnot feel bored while watching it
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Active Member
Freedom! Member
Apr 22, 2015
1.Well i am just reviewing that video since you mentioned the review
2.You should work on your accent just a little bit coz at certain times it was kinda tough to understand what you were saying
3.There is this weird echo in your audio almost like you were recording in a Huge room with very few items that absorb sounds
4.Your partner defiantly has a strong accent..sooooo yeeeah....
5.Good job with the didnot seem forceful and that's what made the intro funny
6.The the thumbnail seemed like you just slapped on the game's name on a pic of the intro..which well wasnt the could defiantly do better
7.Your description of the video was short which many people dont prefer (not dont like) but for that it is more of a "To each,his own" kinda i will let that slide XD
8.i assume your partner has a YT channel as well in which case you should defiantly add a link to his channel because...well....he is a guest is the nice thing to do :) . Also...Mention the a link to the game coz well...its the nice thing to do.Yes i saw the name of the game in "Game"
9.Audio balance is a must for videos....towards the end,when the epic music began and the bomb timer started beeping,i could barely understand what you guys were saying
10.the avatar you used...Unless you drew that or have the artist's permission i really wouldnt recommend using that coz if the original artist found MIGHT become a bad situation.However if you did draw that then you are really talented :D (Yeah i know i said i would only talk about that video but the channel icon was good)
11.All in all i will give the video a 8/10
It was funny,interesting and i really didnot feel bored while watching it

Thanks for the review!
As you can guess I'm not a native English speaker so that's why my accent is a bit off, my partner is also not a native English speaker as well.

Yeah the room I was recording in was pretty large and there's not many things in it, but I'm probably gonna get a better microphone and put some acoustic foam up.

Thanks for the editing compliment, I am one of the rare youtubers that actually enjoys editing!

For the thumbnail I didn't have much inspiration but I found this one hilarious for some reason :D

I personally rarely read descriptions so I don't really prefer long ones, that's why I went with a short one

I added his youtube channel in the description, I was gonna do it when I was uploading but I forgot xD

Yeah I kinda thought it would be too loud but in my opinion we weren't saying many things that are very important so it was just made to make the moment more epic

I found this avatar few years ago actually and I am still searching for the original artist of it, if I do a google search of it nothing comes up, and yeaaah I'm not a very talented artist :oops:

Thank you for the 8/10 it seems like a really decent score!
And thank you once more for the review! :D


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Mar 25, 2016
Ohio, United States
As the title says...i am going to review anyone who comments on this thread
Bare in mind i am going to be Honest and not going to sugar coat anything.i will say what i think of your channel which can be something very nice or something very bad (Of course i am NOT going to say something like "get cancer"...thats just faaaaaar past rude XD,also i am human XD)
Please comment down and ASK me to review your channel (It is kinda the nice thing to do here XD) and please please please dont comment something "I posted a thread in this section for my channel.Please look at that".lol i am not gonna go search for that thread XD
Also....IF (Only IF,not forcing you guys XD ) you guys want to,then please check out my channel and tell me what you guys thought of it :)

I would like a review on my channel. What I do on my channel is let's plays, but I will never touch Minecraft with my channel. I upload two videos daily. If you could give me some feedback I would appreciate it.


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Thanks for the review!
As you can guess I'm not a native English speaker so that's why my accent is a bit off, my partner is also not a native English speaker as well.

Yeah the room I was recording in was pretty large and there's not many things in it, but I'm probably gonna get a better microphone and put some acoustic foam up.

Thanks for the editing compliment, I am one of the rare youtubers that actually enjoys editing!

For the thumbnail I didn't have much inspiration but I found this one hilarious for some reason :D

I personally rarely read descriptions so I don't really prefer long ones, that's why I went with a short one

I added his youtube channel in the description, I was gonna do it when I was uploading but I forgot xD

Yeah I kinda thought it would be too loud but in my opinion we weren't saying many things that are very important so it was just made to make the moment more epic

I found this avatar few years ago actually and I am still searching for the original artist of it, if I do a google search of it nothing comes up, and yeaaah I'm not a very talented artist :oops:

Thank you for the 8/10 it seems like a really decent score!
And thank you once more for the review! :D
Yeah i know the feeling of not being a native english speaker..i too have a strong accent XD


You deserved it did a decent job with the intro



XD remember to add while uploading next time XD

Like i said...once you get famous and still using that avatar the artist might make it a serious issue later


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
I would like a review on my channel. What I do on my channel is let's plays, but I will never touch Minecraft with my channel. I upload two videos daily. If you could give me some feedback I would appreciate it.
1.Right of the bat...The channel icon is nice and simple yet effective (according to me) so good job there,same goes for the channel art/banner
2.The home page does require more playlists....i saw you had a total of 21 yet your homepage only contains 4 playlists...Also add a small description to the playlist
3.Your thumbnails...firstly some of the scenes you chose for certain games were dark and took me a while to realize what was there in the thumbnails.The thumbnails of videos posted about 2 months were good (In my opinion)
it is a good thing that you a numbering you thumbnails for each video...but the numbering is all over the place...i would recommend adding the name of the game or something next to the number coz otherwise it is confusing as all hell
4.Good job with the very direct and didnot beat around the bush...also you used cards which were corresponding to the video playing
5.Your voice is nice and clear...i understood almost 95% of what you said (The rest 5% you were kinda murmuring) so good job there :)
6.i honestly feel that having 23 mins or 30 mins videos are a waste of time to you because you are still a small youtuber so not many people will check out the whooooole video (ofcourse this what i think...however there is a degree of truth to this).i would recommend checking your "Audience Retention" in your youtube analytics and see how many mins of the video they are watching coz you might literally be wasting your time making and editing 20-30 min videos(This point is reeeeeaallly crucial )
7.Please go over your description for your channel coz i feel like you missed a word or two in the excitement of writing it XD (about the sixth line in your description...the one where you mention team fortress)
8.all in all i will give your channel a 7.5/10.i did like it so i did subscribe :)
Also i am really glad you arent doing minecraft XD coz lately aloooooot of gaming channels i have seen focus only on CSGO, Mincraft or COD
So it is nice to see someone like me who plays totally random games :D
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Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Mar 25, 2016
Ohio, United States
1.Right of the bat...The channel icon is nice and simple yet effective (according to me) so good job there,same goes for the channel art/banner
2.The home page does require more playlists....i saw you had a total of 21 yet your homepage only contains 4 playlists...Also add a small description to the playlist
3.Your thumbnails...firstly some of the scenes you chose for certain games were dark and took me a while to realize what was there in the thumbnails.The thumbnails of videos posted about 2 months were good (In my opinion)
it is a good thing that you a numbering you thumbnails for each video...but the numbering is all over the place...i would recommend adding the name of the game or something next to the number coz otherwise it is confusing as all hell
4.Good job with the very direct and didnot beat around the bush...also you used cards which were corresponding to the video playing
5.Your voice is nice and clear...i understood almost 95% of what you said (The rest 5% you were kinda murmuring) so good job there :)
6.i honestly feel that having 23 mins or 30 mins videos are a waste of time to you because you are still a small youtuber so not many people will check out the whooooole video (ofcourse this what i think...however there is a degree of truth to this).i would recommend checking your "Audience Retention" in your youtube analytics and see how many mins of the video they are watching coz you might literally be wasting your time making and editing 20-30 min videos(This point is reeeeeaallly crucial )
7.Please go over your description for your channel coz i feel like you missed a word or two in the excitement of writing it XD (about the sixth line in your description...the one where you mention team fortress)
8.all in all i will give your channel a 7.5/10.i did like it so i did subscribe :)
Also i am really glad you arent doing minecraft XD coz lately aloooooot of gaming channels i have seen focus only on CSGO, Mincraft or COD
So it is nice to see someone like me who plays totally random games :D

Thanks for the review mate I went and fixed my description on the Team Fortress 2 and added that I have played 500+ to drive the point that I do play a lot of games and really don't have a life. You can see that I try to make variety of content on my channel I think it's a good idea to rotate different games in and out and different types of games. I know also that I might be wasting time with the long videos but I do make let's plays and really don't like the idea to have episode 100+ on something so I think the time is okay for what I do. I might do some other things on my channel such as review on games that I've completed that does sound nice, to end a series with what I thought of the game. I must thank you again for reviewing my channel because feedback is well appreciated. Side note most comments I do get on my channel is them advertising their channel and saying nice video/ channel and that really does not help me anyway. I am glad that there is people out there to truly look at one's content. Thanks again.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jun 22, 2016
Hey if you have some spare time you could do a complete review of what we do. Don't make anything look better than it actually is. If something is bad please point it out so we can fix / improve it !

Thanks a lot for taking your time and doing this !


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Go ahead...shoot
Alright so first i would like to begin by saying...interesting channel name and logo
Moving on XD ........
1.Unless you actually made the channel logo i would highly recommend not using it unless you have the permission of the artist who made it
2.Your channel trailer was quite boring...however the wolverine claw transition effect helped in making it exciting...a little only
3.Get a microphone...seriously.....having letsplays,reviews or even top fives is a bad idea if you cant commentate over them.When i say commentate i mean vocally only not through text
4.The ost songs you used......i am pretty sure that they are not copyright free (If they are then good for you :) ) meaning once you get big on youtube and have some good exposure you will defiantly get copyright claims and or strikes
5.Get a mic...i know i said it already but serious...get a mic XD dont relay on adding text to your one wants to read while watching a video (This is just a personal opinion)
6.You chose good tags for your good job on that(i only saw a few not all)
7.Thumbnails....your thumbnails were quite boring ....just picking out a certain scene from a game or anime and slapping on the title of said game/anime does not really help...your video thumbnails wont stand out much
Also...dont pick the color of the text as per the theme of the pic coz it was reaaaaallly tough to tell what was written...the small size of the text didnot help either XD
8.Your intros are just too random and/or too long.For instance your yandere-chan video ("Devil is here!") the intro was longer than keemstar's intro and trust one likes long intros....(To put it simply long intros=opening songs for aaaaaany anime XD...only a handful of people watch them)
I dont know if you have a different intro for a different video or is it just for different series (like the gameplay,top five anime...etc) coz like i said i didnot check out aaaaall of you vids but like i said no one likes loong intros
9.Your happy wheels video had a slow framerate...which was slightly annoying to might wanna change some settings in your recording software
10.You should add some links to your outros instead of only showing the logos for your social media(This was based off you latest happy wheels video)
11.All in all i would give your channel only a 5/10(I gave you an extra point coz you clearly work hard on your videos)


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Hey if you have some spare time you could do a complete review of what we do. Don't make anything look better than it actually is. If something is bad please point it out so we can fix / improve it !

Thanks a lot for taking your time and doing this !
1.Your channel logo is nice and simple...good job :D
2.Your channel art is nice but you should add pics of games YOU have played not just pics of random games.Also add your channel name and maybe even the social media you are part of.
3.Your audio is very muffled and very low as compared to the game's volume...However i could understand you...only when there was no game sound
4.I personally feel that your videos are just too long,check your "Audience retention" stats and see whether people who watch your videos actually watch the whoooole video otherwise it is just a wasted effort uploading such long videos.Also you used decent can defiantly improve the tags.You have a good intro as well(This and the previous point were based off your minecraft video ("Cobble Generator"))
5.Your thumbnails were fine (6/10 i said..they are fine XD ) but some of them were hard to read for instance your latest video(GETTING SETTLED DOWN / Minecraft Collaboration Series) was quite hard to read aaaall of the text.You should defiantly improve the thumbnails
6.Its good that you have Playlists already but you should add them to your home page so that people can see them the second they look at your channel
7.Make a proper channel trailer..and dont name it "channel trailer"(like me XD....dont make that mistake XD).Name it something interesting
8.Your description was good however you should add the "Offical Website" as one of your links not as part of your description.Same goes for your email is nice that you guys have your own little website
9.Overall your channel needs improvement and your score would be a 4/10.You can defiantly improve


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jun 22, 2016
1.Your channel logo is nice and simple...good job :D
2.Your channel art is nice but you should add pics of games YOU have played not just pics of random games.Also add your channel name and maybe even the social media you are part of.
3.Your audio is very muffled and very low as compared to the game's volume...However i could understand you...only when there was no game sound
4.I personally feel that your videos are just too long,check your "Audience retention" stats and see whether people who watch your videos actually watch the whoooole video otherwise it is just a wasted effort uploading such long videos.Also you used decent can defiantly improve the tags.You have a good intro as well(This and the previous point were based off your minecraft video ("Cobble Generator"))
5.Your thumbnails were fine (6/10 i said..they are fine XD ) but some of them were hard to read for instance your latest video(GETTING SETTLED DOWN / Minecraft Collaboration Series) was quite hard to read aaaall of the text.You should defiantly improve the thumbnails
6.Its good that you have Playlists already but you should add them to your home page so that people can see them the second they look at your channel
7.Make a proper channel trailer..and dont name it "channel trailer"(like me XD....dont make that mistake XD).Name it something interesting
8.Your description was good however you should add the "Offical Website" as one of your links not as part of your description.Same goes for your email is nice that you guys have your own little website
9.Overall your channel needs improvement and your score would be a 4/10.You can defiantly improve

Thanks a lot for that precious information just now, i'll talk with our members and point out a few things so we can work on them.

Thanks again for taking your time !


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
I'd love a review man, I could use some honest opinions because I want to grow. :)
Well there really isnt much to say about your channel(I mean that in a veeeeeeery good way)
you clearly watched The George Show didnt you XD coz you seemed to have followed most of his tips XD
I am telling you right now your channel is like a 9/10
The only issue i had was the fact that your thumbnails were common in the sense that all videos for one game had the same thumbnail
other than that your channel was quite A1,your channel description was nice and professional.same goes for your channel logo and banner
and your audio was nice and Good job there dude


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Hi Mate,

I was wondering if you are still doing these, possibly reviewing my channel :D Honest feedback would be awesome!


Thanks heaps in advance :D
Dude your channel as well was quite A1
the only issues are your audio quality which is kinda (only kinda) bad but i could still understand you quite well and your channel banner(just the JSTY part (XD not sure if i got that right or not :p ))
XD your channel as well is a 9/10
your thumbnails were good,commentary was good and had a face cam (bonus points there XD ).The only thumbnail/set of thumbnails that were off were the ones for your vlogs but really cant do much to spice up the thumbnails for the vlogs so i will let that slide XD


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jun 15, 2016
Well there really isnt much to say about your channel(I mean that in a veeeeeeery good way)
you clearly watched The George Show didnt you XD coz you seemed to have followed most of his tips XD
I am telling you right now your channel is like a 9/10
The only issue i had was the fact that your thumbnails were common in the sense that all videos for one game had the same thumbnail
other than that your channel was quite A1,your channel description was nice and professional.same goes for your channel logo and banner
and your audio was nice and Good job there dude
Thanks man! And I'm actually quite new to freedom, haven't seen much of their channel. :p

Mystic CRO

Rising User
Freedom! Member
May 25, 2016
Who knows
Alright so first i would like to begin by saying...interesting channel name and logo
Moving on XD ........
1.Unless you actually made the channel logo i would highly recommend not using it unless you have the permission of the artist who made it
2.Your channel trailer was quite boring...however the wolverine claw transition effect helped in making it exciting...a little only
3.Get a microphone...seriously.....having letsplays,reviews or even top fives is a bad idea if you cant commentate over them.When i say commentate i mean vocally only not through text
4.The ost songs you used......i am pretty sure that they are not copyright free (If they are then good for you :) ) meaning once you get big on youtube and have some good exposure you will defiantly get copyright claims and or strikes
5.Get a mic...i know i said it already but serious...get a mic XD dont relay on adding text to your one wants to read while watching a video (This is just a personal opinion)
6.You chose good tags for your good job on that(i only saw a few not all)
7.Thumbnails....your thumbnails were quite boring ....just picking out a certain scene from a game or anime and slapping on the title of said game/anime does not really help...your video thumbnails wont stand out much
Also...dont pick the color of the text as per the theme of the pic coz it was reaaaaallly tough to tell what was written...the small size of the text didnot help either XD
8.Your intros are just too random and/or too long.For instance your yandere-chan video ("Devil is here!") the intro was longer than keemstar's intro and trust one likes long intros....(To put it simply long intros=opening songs for aaaaaany anime XD...only a handful of people watch them)
I dont know if you have a different intro for a different video or is it just for different series (like the gameplay,top five anime...etc) coz like i said i didnot check out aaaaall of you vids but like i said no one likes loong intros
9.Your happy wheels video had a slow framerate...which was slightly annoying to might wanna change some settings in your recording software
10.You should add some links to your outros instead of only showing the logos for your social media(This was based off you latest happy wheels video)
11.All in all i would give your channel only a 5/10(I gave you an extra point coz you clearly work hard on your videos)

HEY!.. HEY..scr** YOU alright, f*** you!... No..just kidding. Dont take me seriously haha!

First of all, thanks for the review. Second of all..where to begin.

1.Unless you actually made the channel logo i would highly recommend not using it unless you have the permission of the artist who made it / Already done
2. dare? This is blasphemy.. this is...yeah fine. Il mix something else up.
3. voice is magic. You would get ear bleeding...from it. Yup, i know. My headphones and mic are being fixed currently i am waiting on those..despite my english and accent being terrible. !
4. Not all of those are copyrighted..and those that have some copyright, i have already sent notifications and asked for permission to use them. Some of them were hard as hell to contact..while some easier but i get the point. Also once i get big on youtube...nice joke. have zero respect to deff people!? ..hmm..well..there is always that question of being uncomfortable..for now you know. Including my damn headphones being fixed :( no sound #pro
6. Thanks
7. Hey, you wanna fight huh!...hmm..well. I'll try better...
8. Was it? I consider that to be the MAX of seconds it can are first one to complain on that. But oh well. Everyone is different i guess. And yeah i have multiple intros that i tend to use depending on a video
9. Yeah i know...i blame packed be sure to check something about that.
10. No can me. LITERALLY i CANT. For now that is..
11. Hey...screw you. xD Working hard..that i bloody am..