Offering Offering Channel Trailer & Video critiques!

Showcase One

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Jan 12, 2016
Hey guys.,

I would like to give you the opportunity to improve your channel trailer and videos. Would you like me to review either your channel trailer or one of your videos? Simply put a link down below!

  • There is a limit of 1 video per person at one time. You may not post multiple videos at one time on this thread.
  • This thread is not to be used for advertising, it is solely for the purpose of advice and improving your videos.
  • You are to respect others.
  • Any violation of the above rules will result in removal of your post and/or no future reviews.
Thanks for your time, I hope that I can help you improve your videos!
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Reactions: Koala_Steamed


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Sep 3, 2015
Would love a channel Review!

my name is Liam and SplurgeGames is my YouTube channel, I have come so far over the 2 years on YouTube however not as far as many others have.

I have posted 250 videos and only have 320 subs what am I doing wrong? Could you guys maybe check it out and give my channel some love or give some feedback on it?

Showcase One

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Jan 12, 2016
Not sure why no one has responded here yet, usually lots of people are wanting video reviews! I'll start you off anyway :)

Hmm, how about this video?

Koala_Steamed: That was a very nice video. Mostly Positive feedback. However I will start off by giving you some tips to improve.
I have written a thread a couple of days ago giving an overview of an effective video structure. I will link it below so you can check it out, it basically covers stuff like, engaging your audience, and how to optimise your viewer gain.

Here are some ways you can improve:

  • If possible, get a bumper/Intro. This will improve your branding and Presence on youtube. You can make one yourself or find a template compatible with software of your choice and make your own.
  • Start off your video with 5 seconds of engaging footage to get your audience hooked, then have your intro, then your video title.
  • Add an end card to your video. Featuring roughly 2 or 3 other videos of yours, with a call to action/subscribe button. (You can use annotations to directly link these to other videos!
Extra Tip: I believe some commentary at the start and end of your videos would be excellent but it is totally up to you.

Positives, Things I loved about the video:
  • Your choice of music.
  • The quality of the screen capture.
  • How you had the sound from the game playing.
  • The length of your video.
Good luck, I hope this has been helpful. The post I wrote which I will link below will be beneficial for you so you can engage your audience and get more subscribers and viewers.
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Reactions: Koala_Steamed

Showcase One

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Jan 12, 2016
Please review my channel trailer

Your channel trailer overall, needs some work, but with the right adjustments, it has the potential to be highly engaging.
I will start off by commending you on your efforts to make it. I hope this post will help you to improve!
I will begin by
  • You need to take into account the 10 second rule and the 20 second rule. These basically mean, you should hook your viewers in the 1st 10 seconds of the video so they will continue watching. Then in the next 10 seconds, get all the important points out.
  • In the first 10 seconds, aim to introduce yourself and what your channel is about. For example, Hi, Im John and welcome to my gaming channel Called Game Empire. (Not my actual name and replace your channel name). You can alter this to suit your needs.
  • Then in the next 10 seconds, aim to talk about what sort of games your going to be playing and ask your viewers to subscribe giving them a reason why. For example, On this channel you will find alot of Adventure games such as, Firewatch, No mans Sky, and a whole lot more, so Be sure to subscribe for new videos Every Week. (Again, you can adjust this to suit your needs).
  • Then go on to show some good footage.
  • At the end of the video, Have your intro and a end card with some of your other videos and a subscribe button, You can make this interactive using annotations.
  • Throughout your video, play some energetic, engaging and suitable music. You can find royalty free music from your creator studio dashboard.
  • Use a proper screen recorder. There are loads of free programs you can download. For windows, you can use Icecream screen recorder and for mac you can use the built in screen recorder, by opening the quicktime player app and clicking File> New Screen Recording.
Should you have any questions, feel free to Reply to this thread or send me a message to my profile and I will get back to you ASAP. All the best.

Showcase One

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Jan 12, 2016
Would love a channel Review!

my name is Liam and SplurgeGames is my YouTube channel, I have come so far over the 2 years on YouTube however not as far as many others have.

I have posted 250 videos and only have 320 subs what am I doing wrong? Could you guys maybe check it out and give my channel some love or give some feedback on it?

Hi Liam, When I first clicked on the link to go to your channel, I didn't quite know what to expect but, I WAS AMAZED. Your Channel is great! I seriously don't understand why you aren't getting the attention you deserve!
I have given some tips and feedback below!

How you can improve:
  • Have the first 5-10 seconds of your videos show some engaging footage from the video. Then have your intro, Then onto the main video.
  • Put End Cards on Your videos, 2 other videos and a subscribe button. Use annotations to make these clickable.
  • Leave a comment on your own video, this should kickstart other people commenting. And try to respond to everyones comments and interact with your audience.
  • It Doesn't hurt to ask for subscribers (At the end of your video, as long as you give a reason why they should subscribe)
What I Loved about your channel:
  • Your branding, Down the the smallest detail (How you put your logo on every thumbnail, Your consistent channel art and logo)
  • Your professionalism.
  • Everything else!
Youtube is difficult, Never give up, you might be closer to reaching your goal than you think.

See, the miner on the top isn't giving up and he is about to reach his goal, the miner on the bottom is giving up just before he reaches his goal and he doesn't even know it. You need to be the person on the top.
Good Luck with Your Youtube Journey. I see alot of potential in you, keep up the good work.

If you want some free game keys for steam to play on your youtube channel, try this website.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Sep 3, 2015
Hi Liam, When I first clicked on the link to go to your channel, I didn't quite know what to expect but, I WAS AMAZED. Your Channel is great! I seriously don't understand why you aren't getting the attention you deserve!
I have given some tips and feedback below!

How you can improve:
  • Have the first 5-10 seconds of your videos show some engaging footage from the video. Then have your intro, Then onto the main video.
  • Put End Cards on Your videos, 2 other videos and a subscribe button. Use annotations to make these clickable.
  • Leave a comment on your own video, this should kickstart other people commenting. And try to respond to everyones comments and interact with your audience.
  • It Doesn't hurt to ask for subscribers (At the end of your video, as long as you give a reason why they should subscribe)
What I Loved about your channel:
  • Your branding, Down the the smallest detail (How you put your logo on every thumbnail, Your consistent channel art and logo)
  • Your professionalism.
  • Everything else!
Youtube is difficult, Never give up, you might be closer to reaching your goal than you think.

See, the miner on the top isn't giving up and he is about to reach his goal, the miner on the bottom is giving up just before he reaches his goal and he doesn't even know it. You need to be the person on the top.
Good Luck with Your Youtube Journey. I see alot of potential in you, keep up the good work.

If you want some free game keys for steam to play on your youtube channel, try this website.
Thanks so much for the feedback and your compliments, really appreciate it and I will try to never give up :)


Mythic User
Koala_Steamed: That was a very nice video. Mostly Positive feedback. However I will start off by giving you some tips to improve.
I have written a thread a couple of days ago giving an overview of an effective video structure. I will link it below so you can check it out, it basically covers stuff like, engaging your audience, and how to optimise your viewer gain.

Here are some ways you can improve:

  • If possible, get a bumper/Intro. This will improve your branding and Presence on youtube. You can make one yourself or find a template compatible with software of your choice and make your own.
  • Start off your video with 5 seconds of engaging footage to get your audience hooked, then have your intro, then your video title.
  • Add an end card to your video. Featuring roughly 2 or 3 other videos of yours, with a call to action/subscribe button. (You can use annotations to directly link these to other videos!
Extra Tip: I believe some commentary at the start and end of your videos would be excellent but it is totally up to you.

Positives, Things I loved about the video:
  • Your choice of music.
  • The quality of the screen capture.
  • How you had the sound from the game playing.
  • The length of your video.
Good luck, I hope this has been helpful. The post I wrote which I will link below will be beneficial for you so you can engage your audience and get more subscribers and viewers.

Thanks for the feedback @All Things Considered :)

Showcase One

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Jan 12, 2016
Thanks to everyone who has posted so far. I hope your videos will improve. If theres any questions you may have, fell free to start a conversation with me on my profile or reply to this thread.

Showcase One

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Jan 12, 2016
I hope my advice has helped to improve your videos. If anyone on this thread has any questions, fell free to click on my name and start a conversation.
Also, I will be changing my profile to my new Parent Brand, Showcase One Media so all my posts will now come up as Showcase One.
(Just letting you know so you know its me)
All the best.

Showcase One

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Jan 12, 2016
Hi affix,
Sorry about the slow response I've been busy with some projects I'm working on.
You video was mostly positive, I will start off by giving some positive feedback.

I loved how you put some gameplay in the background and how clear your audio was.
It's great that you had an introduction before your intro.
The overall quality of the video was superb.

The main piece of advice I can give you is for your end card. Maybe add some more detail to the captions (Write A individual title or click here for ______) also, get an image of a YouTube subscribe button and put that in the end card instead of the plain text.

Hope this helps,
If there's any further questions you have feel free to reply and I will get back to you ASAP.

Dennis Gromov

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Mar 21, 2016
Here is a video, I would especially like to know about the mic quality since that is a thing I have struggled with in my past videos