Gaming Hello Everyone, My Name Is Matt


Proud Nerd & YouTuber
Freedom! Member
Hello, i make all kind of videos, i make mostly gaming videos right now. i make minecraft videos right now the most since that is mainly all i can record. i am trying to get new series to start up and i have already started a couple. i am going to try to make a video every day but school may come into play with that. i will be recording h1z1 soon, Call of duty: world of war zombies, and many different games. my Chanel is going to have mostly funny moments once i get into it but there will be a lets play hear and there! I will also be making how to videos. I will also be making review video of games, resource packs for minecraft and much much more.

My name has changed many times over the pass couple years but i do not thing i will change it again. The name "mat" of the name is there because of my name, the "dose" , yes its "does" but i like the dose because it is like good, healthy, like everyone should watch me. The "gaming" part would be because i make gaming videos. The "02" is the name of the clan me and my friends are in. it is names that because most of us were born in 2002 so it works out.

I know have a second account named MattFX where i will be makeing intros/banners/logos ect.
Welcome and have fun with H1Z1 and your video game reviews :)
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Rising User
Mar 25, 2016
Welcome to the Family! :)

It's good that you get some variety up in your channel, it happens more times than you can count that people create let's say Minecraft only videos. They get around 5k subscribers and then the audience doesn't want you to do something else anymore besides Minecraft :)

So it's a good road you are taking to get some variety in there :)
Hence my channel name: "SkynzorsVariety" :p
yeah, i do not want to post just one thing because then it will get boring for me