Joeri Bakker

New User
Hello and my name is Joeri! (GameJoe)
i'm from The Netherlands and i'm 21 years old. A dutch youtuber brought me here on the Freedom! community. And i have signed up for the Freedom! Network.

My hobbies are playing the drums, Playing the guitar and playing videogames. I've started a youtube channel which was all about music. But it became really hard to keep uploading vids without copyright claiming. So i have started a new YouTube Channel where i play video games. I love to entertain people and that's why i started YouTube.

So.. i'm running a Dutch YouTube Gamming channel. So I'm not speaking english because English is not my best language to speak in haha.

I play games like: CS;GO, Minecraft, horror Games etc. I just want to make video's of games that i like to play, and hopefull you like to watch.

I will upload a video every Tuesday and Friday 5PM local time.

This is my channel link:

And thanks for the support!



Legendary User
Freedom! Member
Hey , Welcome to freedom :)

If you need any help be sure to ask !

How Is CSGO going ?


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Hey welcome to the forums, You should find the forums extremely helpful to you and your channel. I don't understand dutch else I would watch one of your videos and comment on that.
I also have alot of links down below that are aimed to help you and your channel. The first is really helpful, the other two are other ways to help out your channel. If you have any questions feel free to private message me.


Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Hello, Welcome to the forums (y) (Y).

I play a lot of CSGO myself, but I only really record the deathmatch stuff, don't consider myself good enough for the competitive stuff yet :).


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
welcome to the forums! We're all here to help each other out!

If you want to grow, consider who you might wanna assist here in return, if you like what their channels provide of course, not just blind sub for sub :)

if you have any questions feel free to ask :)
