Gaming Frosted Fricks is Now HERE!!


Mar 1, 2014
Hey if you ever want to exchange notes on that type of stuff I am always willing to do that.. Oh I do have a website with some of my work on it!

Some of it's old, but if you like to see some low poly art, check that out!
Nice portfolio, I really like the video on that page!

If you have any more work you feel like sharing, feel free to post it under the "Show Off" section so the community can see. :)

Click here to visit "Show Off"!

Frosted Fricks

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Mar 23, 2015
Nice portfolio, I really like the video on that page!

If you have any more work you feel like sharing, feel free to post it under the "Show Off" section so the community can see. :)

Click here to visit "Show Off"!
Oh thank you I did that demo reel for an application at a gaming company. They didn't go with me as the choice, but it was fun to make![DOUBLEPOST=1444842104][/DOUBLEPOST]
Welcome to our big family and community! :)
Thank you so much for welcoming me buddy I hope I can grow with this community!
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Rising User
Oct 9, 2015
Hello fellow gamers, animators, vloggers, fashionistas, reviewers, sketch comedians ....... oh heck there are so many of ya let's just call you what you all really are, and that's YouTubers! My name is Frosted Fricks and I hail from the dark desolate frozen tundra of Buffalo, New York. That's right home of the original Buffalo Wing and well, really not much else. Well except maybe... the hometown of Not one, but TWO of the nations presidents Grover Cleveland and Millard Fillmore, but enough history about this city for now. I am here to embark on a journey, a quest if you will, to find a reason for all of my hard work, and that reason, that soul finding desire .... IS ...... To Entertain!

A little more about me. I am 28 and this is the only place anybody will know that, as I look 20, I have a bachelors degree in Animation and I'm not too shabby at 3D modeling and lighting if I do say so myself, I live with a cat named Sammy (she's been with me for 7 years) oh, and I guess I have a roommate named Tyshawn as well (he likes to terrify me when I am playing horror games), I play the guitar, which means I am also in a band (we play video game music), I actively participate in charities, I have a weird penchant for apples (the fastest way to my heart), I take improv classes, and I have many leather bound books and my studio smells of rich mahogany. Really though, I am a down to earth guy and am really out to make a difference in the world even if it is one person at a time.

I found Freedom through a lot of researching on which is the best network to be a part of and Freedom fit right into the criteria I was looking for. The community is fantastic and they always have something going on to benefit their affiliates! There is always a way to do more for your channel and they help you along with that as best as they can.

Now the big question is: what the heck do I do on YouTube? I am a let's player. I love games and always have. They are the reason i have a degree in animation as I hope to one day set out and get a job utilizing the abilities I drove myself into crippling college debt for and be a part of making a game someone can enjoy. I play a fair share of indie games, but as it is October, I am focusing primarily on horror games (sleeping has become optional for me). I try to upload once a day everyday. Sometimes I miss a few, but I will always come back with more. I started my channel in hopes for a few things, one was to get my art to be available to view, as stated earlier I love video games and I love looking at them from an art based perspective, so naturally I will talk about it, but the biggest one is that I have a strong feeling I was put here to bring joy to others and to ensure that at least once a day, in some shape or form, I put a smile on at least one persons face. That my video somehow picks someone up from having a bad day. I don't do this to get famous, I do it because I know that everyday there is someone out there who needs to laugh or who needs a friend and has very few people to turn to. I'm here because I want them to know that no matter how bad it gets, it will always get better. I believe everyone is here for a reason and anybody can make a difference, even if it is just a smile.

Thank you for your time!

Channel link:
Hello and welcome to the Freedom! family :D

I use to play the guitar aswell :) currently own a Strechter Omen 7 string :) and I did music tech (studio production / mastering side of things) in college, and I did pretty well at that until about a year ago when I didn't enjoy it anymore trying to make tracks but not much people would listen to them.

It's awesome to see you have a big passion for games! and don't we all lol, I remember when I was about 4 and playing on what I think was the SNES, just a few pre loaded games on one cartage but were all addictive, and that's what started my passion for gaming aswell.

Hope it all goes well for you mate!
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