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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jun 2, 2015
United Kingdom
hmm wonder why you arent a part of it anymore.. couldn't imagine any disagreements going on there... and playing nice... everything you said was negative. insulting and most importantly hypocritical.

now i will finish this reply with a very important message. i suggest you heed it: "Learn to leave it you wanker."
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Do you want to be the pot or the kettle here? and least I have an actual skill, how' Skyrim doing you?

Unlike you i don't seek fame, i do it for the enjoyment :D
Now leave it as that, enojy your five minutes of fame.


hmm wonder why you arent a part of it anymore.. couldn't imagine any disagreements going on there... and playing nice... everything you said was negative. insulting and most importantly hypocritical.

now i will finish this reply with a very important message. i suggest you heed it: "Learn to leave it you wanker."

But i am apart of it? Proberly not for long.
You do realize you've now involved yourself?
So like my previous statement, maybe you should leave it ....


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Nov 6, 2015
United Kingdom
Unlike you i don't seek fame, i do it for the enjoyment :D
Now leave it as that, enojy your five minutes of fame.
who are you kidding dude? you're creating content on youtube, you want the fame, I will never deny I want acknowledgement for my achievements, my achievements however, don't come through steam.

And I'll enjoy my "5 minutes of fame" I really wouldn't mind if it dropped tomorrow, because I'm doing something I love.

Oh and fat jokes are so old, but please, try that on Penn Jillette, and let me know how it goes ;)


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jun 2, 2015
United Kingdom
But i am apart of it? Properly not for long.
You do realize you've now involved yourself?
So like my previous statement, maybe you should leave it ....

ofcourse iv involved myself when a hypocritical cretin such as yourself ever dares to try to bring someone i know down through any method it seems possible. your critique without any facts. then when he actually answers you on these you dare to insult him. you are a disgusting piece of meat, blood and bones and its a shame the community has to deal with you.

this dude does magic tricks to people, he actually has charisma, is a genuinly funny guy and goes out of his way to provide entertainment for people, more than just sitting on his arse all day like me or you. and because of that he earned a shoutout. he didnt ask for it. they gave it to him out of their free will and choice and he more than deserves it. read through the comments that came from that shoutout and they are not there to be inactive. they are there for the content. and they should be because its bloody brilliant.

so shut up. sit down. and like you said earlier "Learn to leave it you wanker."


who are you kidding dude? you're creating content on youtube, you want the fame, I will never deny I want acknowledgement for my achievements, my achievements however, don't come through steam.

And I'll enjoy my "5 minutes of fame" I really wouldn't mind if it dropped tomorrow, because I'm doing something I love.

Oh and fat jokes are so old, but please, try that on Penn Jillette, and let me know how it goes ;)

I do find it fun :)

Look i'll be the bigger person, and by the way I'm fat? Don't forget text has no emotion, and to be fair I'm bigger than you lol
I am sorry i made the assumption without watching the video fully, so forgive me if you will or not, just leave it be for the both of us, plus i like that show with Penn and teller :D

So enough?


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Nov 6, 2015
United Kingdom
ofcourse iv involved myself when a hypocritical cretin such as yourself ever dares to try to bring someone i know down through any method it seems possible. your critique without any facts. then when he actually answers you on these you dare to insult him. you are a disgusting piece of meat, blood and bones and its a shame the community has to deal with you.

this dude does magic tricks to people, he actually has charisma, is a genuinly funny guy and goes out of his way to provide entertainment for people, more than just sitting on his arse all day like me or you. and because of that he earned a shoutout. he didnt ask for it. they gave it to him out of their free will and choice and he more than deserves it. read through the comments that came from that shoutout and they are not there to be inactive. they are there for the content. and they should be because its bloody brilliant.

so shut up. sit down. and like you said earlier "Learn to leave it you wanker."
Is there any ways to like this comment more than once? hmm... :/


ofcourse iv involved myself when a hypocritical cretin such as yourself ever dares to try to bring someone i know down through any method it seems possible. your critique without any facts. then when he actually answers you on these you dare to insult him. you are a disgusting piece of meat, blood and bones and its a shame the community has to deal with you.

this dude does magic tricks to people, he actually has charisma, is a genuinly funny guy and goes out of his way to provide entertainment for people, more than just sitting on his arse all day like me or you. and because of that he earned a shoutout. he didnt ask for it. they gave it to him out of their free will and choice and he more than deserves it. read through the comments that came from that shoutout and they are not there to be inactive. they are there for the content. and they should be because its bloody brilliant.

so shut up. sit down. and like you said earlier "Learn to leave it you wanker."

No need to earn brownie points buddy, I've said my piece.
and your comment is a bit "much" :D


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Nov 6, 2015
United Kingdom
I do find it fun :)

Look i'll be the bigger person, and by the way I'm fat? Don't forget text has no emotion, and to be fair I'm bigger than you lol
I am sorry i made the assumption without watching the video fully, so forgive me if you will or not, just leave it be for the both of us, plus i like that show with Penn and teller :D

So enough?
I'd love to, but "Peter Kay does magic trick" that cuts deep bro, Ahh I'll go and cry about it. Nemo or Mccluvin? may I share my woes with you? ;)


I'd love to, but "Peter Kay does magic trick" that cuts deep bro, Ahh I'll go and cry about it. Nemo or Mccluvin? may I share my woes with you? ;)

I'm sorry i shouldn't of said "Peter Kay does magic trick" i was bullied in school i should of known better.
Cut me a piece mate, i love cake xD


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jun 2, 2015
United Kingdom
No need to earn brownie points buddy, I've said my piece.
and your comment is a bit "much" :D

brownie points? are you having a laugh. for sticking with my friend when someone tries to put him in the dirt without even checking his facts. you were being negative for the sake of being negative. because thats the kind of person you are. that is why you dont have someone in the same position as me here for shadow major. you spend your life being negative all day and ofcourse nobody will ever be there for you!

said your piece have you. funny how quick it back peddled when you finally checked your facts and realised you were completely in the wrong, but see heres the thing. I am more than capable to continue telling my piece when there is just so much ammunition. and i dont even need to ever step into the realm of insulting you to try and make an argument because im not a petty prick. no see i will argue a point based on the relevant facts at hand and ohhhh boy do i have a great many.

I suggest you stop that passive aggressive ******** and just get out of here. you are helping nobody including yourself and digging yourself a hole that gets larger and larger, soon enough I will be receiving your postcard from Australia.
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brownie points? are you having a laugh. for sticking with my friend when someone tries to put him in the dirt without even checking his facts. you were being negative for the sake of being negative. because thats the kind of person you are. that is why you dont have someone in the same position as me here for shadow major. you spend your life being negative all day and ofcourse nobody will ever be there for you!

said your piece have you. funny how quick it back peddled when you finally checked your facts and realised you were completely in the wrong, but see heres the thing. I am more than capable to continue telling my piece when there is just so much ammunition. and i dont even need to ever step into the realm of insulting you to try and make an argument because im not a petty prick. no see i will argue a point based on the relevant facts at hand and ohhhh boy do i have a great many.

I suggest you stop that passive aggressive ******** and just get out of here. you are helping nobody including yourself and digging yourself a hole that gets larger and larger, soon enough I will be receiving your postcard from Australia.

Look buddy, I agree i did make the assumption without even watching the video. I apologize.
and i agree you have every right to stick up for you friend, you would be expected to. The reason why i lashed back at you was because i thought you were just joining in, and well if you did still have a point.

every message that you aim at me seems alot more aggressive than mine to you. So could we drop it, i will not remove my comments because you guys are totally right.
I'm not a nasty guy and as the punishment of this ( I'll more than likely be removed from the Community team), it will be a reminder.

"soon enough I will be receiving your postcard from Australia." I liked that aha!


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Nov 13, 2015
Please take the critics ;) we're not here to compliment you but for giving an opinion. This is the concept of a forum!
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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jun 2, 2015
United Kingdom
Please take the critics ;) we're not here to compliment you but for giving an opinion. This is the concept of a forum!

criticise anything you like, by all means. but when you don't even check the content that is the subject of such criticism, and then when it becomes clear that it was not watched and someone calls your bluff you then turn around and insult them as a person. AND THEN when you finally think hey, i should check the video seeing as they caught my bluff of being negative, you then pack peddle everything and try to act all nicey nicey as if you did nothing wrong... that is not okay.

of course people arent here to just compliment. criticism is criticism. but you cannot criticise what you do not know and have not seen. it would be like someone saying "this brand new flavour of drink is amazing" then without even trying it you say "well it was a bit bland to me" well excuse me mr ******* know it all who clearly has magical powers enough to taste everything..

ALSO itsjustjord 2 things buddy. nice maturity to spike my channel with dislikes you are clearly a very whole rounded mature man, and secondly, nice of you to cry to the community team about your issues after you have already said yourself to drop the issue.. good job mate. top bloke.
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