For small channels


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Jul 29, 2015
Pennsylvania, USA
Yeah just have fun doing it and don't worry so much about the numbers, the numbers will come if the fun is there first. But realize that it could take years so if you stress out about the numbers so much then you'll probably end up quitting so just keep at it, having fun and being yourself. the benefit is how young you are, by the time you're my age, you could have a huge channel. I sort of envy all of these young youtubers of today,yall are really lucky to have such an opportunity like being born into the digital age. Good luck.
I agree completely. Do not worry about the numbers. I consider a video successful when it gets one view. My channel was successful when I got my first subscriber.
YouTube has this thing called "Retention Time" that brings your videos to the front. Numbers on the surface mean nothing. What matters is when someone watches your videos, how long do they stay? You can find information like that in your analytics. Right now, having your face on your videos is very popular because it makes the video more personal. Like they're playing a game with another person. And not a voice. Sure, it's not a deal breaker. But it's sure to be a better ICE breaker. Just keep going, work on getting things like a webcam and good quality mic and learn how to edit the videos better and try different techniques. And get others you know in your personal life to check out your videos and point out the new technique you used. Get their opinions, and it might just help you fine tune what you're doing.

Just remember, NEVER GIVE UP! NEVER SURRENDER! And ALWAYS watch Galaxy Quest at least once a month for maximum motivation. Yas.
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New User
Feb 1, 2016
Lol, yeah i ove making vides and editing mine. i do it because i love doing it. i ny have 31 subs and started beginning of january. I edit my videos to the best of my ability. and it takes patience. I do funny moments n xbox one.
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Rising User
Jan 27, 2016
Ok I want every one to stop commenting on this post because every one has taken it the rong way so.. JUST DONT REPLY!


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Feb 18, 2015
My channel has been around for a little over a year, and after almost 800 videos we're just now finally starting to get subscribers on a regular basis, just have fun and make regular content and eventually you will see a positive change.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Oct 6, 2015
New Orleans
I know of this struggle. But it does seem to take time to grow on Youtube. I promote my channel to socail media everyday and it doesn't really help much. I try but I have no clue the best way to promote. But at least I can have all the memories of my gaming on Youtube that I can go back and watch anytime. Twitch only saves your videos for a month (I think). And i don't want to pay 8.99 for storage. i can store my gameplay on youtube free.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Oct 6, 2015
New Orleans
Due to living situations, I don't use a mic all the time because I don't want background noises in my videos. I am hoping to one day be able to use a face cam peacefully. But I still do videos without them. There are some ppl out there that rather not hear commentary over a game. One of my subs says its why he likes watching my videos. Hopefully when I can use either a mic or cam, he'll still watch me.

We will all grow together, it matter how long it takes.

Carlos Alicea Jr

Rising User
Nov 14, 2015
I feel you on that one kid, I had my youtube channel for i think about 3 months and a half now. I make a couple good content, and I get a lot of views on a certain content, even though my subs don't show it i still get a lot of views which sucks cause i wish those views can turn into subs. In one of my videos I actually hit 2000 views because it was basically a review on how to get the Outfits for a Specialist in Black Ops 3.

Alpha Z

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 13, 2016
although I may only have 7 subs I think people are just passing up my channel and other small channels! I have had my channel for a month and I know that I have had a lot of views from around the world replie down below if you have the same problem |
yeah and sometimes smaller channel will say subbed just so you can sub to them and when you do they unsub.


Active Member
My friend got into over 500 subscribers only in a years meanwhile me at 150 subscribers.. why?!? And the thing is I spend more time editing my videos than he does with his Minecraft videos?! Looks like I have to play Minecraft because I only play a F2P variety of games... xD


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Jul 29, 2015
Pennsylvania, USA
My friend got into over 500 subscribers only in a years meanwhile me at 150 subscribers.. why?!? And the thing is I spend more time editing my videos than he does with his Minecraft videos?! Looks like I have to play Minecraft because I only play a F2P variety of games... xD
It's more than just editing. It's a combination of a lot of things. The video itself (which includes editing), when you post it, where you share it (don't spam!), how active you we on social media and forums (like these!), and just general luck sometimes.

ITW Games

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Nov 12, 2015
Midwest USA
Mostly like everyone else has said. Don't worry about the numbers. Play the games make videos and have fun with it. Work on your editing skills and eventually ppl will come. I do like your style. Unfortunatly im not real into minecraft. I'm more of a Fallout guy and a driving guy. But somebody out there is into it. Just gotta wait around till they find you.
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