
  1. BedfastDuck

    YouTube What has been your biggest struggle with YouTube?

    For me personally it is trying to create thumbnails. It takes a lot of time to do and I feel like I could be using that time to do other things. What is your biggest struggle?
  2. Thelazysideoflife

    VLOG There are some small struggles that happen for a reason

  3. Evasive Eight019

    VLOG Serious Vlogs: Lets Talk: Topic: Living with Manic-depressive Bipolar disorder

    This is the first video in the new series called Serious Vlogs the topic i want to tell you about today is my struggle to deal with my disorder Manic-depressive Bipolar.
  4. Goped Fred

    YouTube purge struggle

    This YouTube purge has seemingly stopped traffic and subs from coming to my channel. Has anyone else seen a dramatic difference in YouTube activity? Before I'd gain around a sub or 2 a day, yet I've not gained a sub since it had happened. How has it affected you?
  5. DestSicate

    Request What am i doing wrong or right :D

    Hey guys just wondering if you could check out my channel and let me know the good the bad and the ugly and give me specific pointers on her to change for the better thank you for your time and effort here's a link to my channel
  6. Squabbly

    Gaming My Channel (Struggling to grow)

    Hey guys I am Tom a 16 year old youtuber from Kent, I have a lot of experience in youtube as about a year or so ago I started a sniping team (ShaDe.) This channel reached 200 subscribers in a handful of months but gradually grinded to a halt as I lost motivation for sniping and other people in...