shout out

  1. Charxander Origin

    Gaming Shoutout that is NOT a shoutout (The Wall of Subs)

    Hey there! I thought it might be a good idea to share this thing I was doing on my channel, but I wasn't really sure where to put it, so I figured I would put it here. So basically, I run a Minecraft channel. Let's get that out of the way so people who don't like Minecraft aren't wasting their...
  2. Jordan Binks

    Service Request Need an Overlay for my Stream

    Hey guys, kind of a new streamer here, ive been needing an Overlay for quite some time, just to make things look a little neater. Im going to be making videos out of my live streaming content, so it needs to look neat. Hit me up ASAP, ill leave all your info in the description of my videos...
  3. zeke morgan

    Gaming Q and A / Shout Out series Episode 5

    Welcome back everyone thought I would finally get around to posting my newly released monthly Q and A / Shout Out video on Freedom. If you enjoy the video then please don't hesitate to leave a like comment, share and subscribe.
  4. victorfc

    Gaming SHOUT OUT VIDEO! and FIFA 16 colab

    HEY as you saw in the title i will be doing a shout out video, i will be posting a video talking about how awesome your channel is so comment below if you would like one and sub to me to see when the video comes out! i will do asap :) comment below if you also play Fifa.
  5. GamesTechno

    Gaming Shoutout Sundays | Gain active viewers and subscribers!!! | GamesTechno

    This Sunday i am going to start this great series of Sunday Shoutouts, To win a shout out comment below "I wan a shoutout GamesTechno". I know i don't have a good subscriber base, but believe me that we can together make some good amount of active subscribers and good new friends. This is the...
  6. Alan Lyne

    Community 100th Subscriber Shout Out!

    So i am nearing my 100th subscriber and the celebrate I will do a big video about my journey so far. I will also do a big shout out as well :) To get featured in the video all you need to do is go to my channel and click subscribe and comment bellow saying you have so I can put your name down :)...
  7. SpartanHunter -720

    Gaming Shout Out Series!!

    Hello to everybody, I am SpartanHunter-720. I am going to be starting a Shout Out Series soon. I know most people might say "Hey isn't your a bit to small to be doing shoutouts?" and my answer is no. See if you add my subscribers to your subscribers you will gain alot more so yeah!! Let's Do...
  8. Nomaan Akram

    Service I Want to help you grow!

    Ever since using the freedom forums my subscribers have gone up quite a bit so now I want to return the favour! The first 10 people to reply can get their name in the description of every one of my videos and a shout out in a video to check you out and I promise I'll make sure you end up with...
  9. Peep Connor

    Community Starting a shout out series.

    I want to start a shout out series were i look over and review a channel (two channels per-video) they would be uploaded once a week on Friday. If you want your channel shouted out let me know. I will be starting this on the (most likely) 19th, maybe the 12th depending on how many people respond...
  10. TrainerBlue

    Gaming Shout Out Competition Over No More Entries

    Hey all I thought I'd help you out with a Shout Out Competition. I'm going to select one lucky channel to shout out. I know I only have around 500 subs, but hey if you sub and the next guy subs that'll be more you and for me. So if you want to win reply as such: "Channel Name: Description...
  11. Lata Gamer

    Gaming Shout-Out @ My Next Video

    Hi Freedom Family, checked lots of channel this morning and thought lets do one video for freedom family like shout out. You just need below point 1) Video Quality should be good atleast 720p 2) Minimum sub count should me 200. Post me below if you guys are interested to do so. Regards...