playstation 4

  1. Peter “Skullbunny” Rogers

    PlayStation Overwatch Colab

    Hi Guys! I am looking for People to colab with on Overwatch for PS4! I am a pretty skilled player so will be looking for someone who is of the same skill level! If youre interested let me know! Because we all know Solo Comp sucks! Here is a video so you can just have a look at what my...
  2. Peter “Skullbunny” Rogers

    Gaming How to execute a Overwatch Symmetra Kill Steak

    Hey Guys So its been a good week on Overwatch for me! I have uploaded my newest Clip today! I have been playing as much characters as i can too make sure i dont get stuck in a scenario where i cant pick a character that i can win with. I have been working hard on these and i hope you guys...
  3. The Atom

    Gaming Anyone want to collab?

    I am looking to grow with someone that would get my sense of humor. if you are 18+ feel free to check my channel and if you would like to collab sometime my discord is (TheAtom #3262) i have a ps4 and gaming pc so any of those would be fine for me :))
  4. Crazylawrence

    Missed E3? Here is Sony's rundown!

    The last week held one of the best conventions of the year, granting the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2017, also known as E3. (For you wondering, it is called E3 since there are 3 E words.. Just so ya know..) This gave birth to major titles launching their reveals to a large population of...
  5. HealPleaseHeal

    Gaming Latest Hunt In Friday the 13th

    I try out some more live streaming on the PS4 for Friday the 13th. This was a test stream so it does end abruptly, as I transitioned back to Twitch.
  6. Peter “Skullbunny” Rogers

    Gaming OverWatch Playlist!

    Hey There Guys! Im looking for poeple who enjoy Overwatch and would like to come watch me perform some awesome skills and also talk about the Game in Depth and deliver my point of view on the Gameplay and Characters! Come Check it Out! Im on PS4...
  7. Billy AngelWing

    PSN names

    Need more friends on playstation. Comment your PSN names and I will add you.
  8. multigamefreakz

    must have ps4 games

    hi everyone, just want to know peoples thoughts on any exclusive ps4 games I'm missing got uncharted 4, last of us and until dawn and kilzone anyone recommend anymore? thanks

    Best games of 2017

    Yo Gamerz! What is your most favourite games this year?
  10. multigamefreakz

    Gaming MultiGameFreakz, gaming news & lets plays

    Hi and Welcome to MultiGameFreakz (MGFz). Channel Link - Gaming coverage with Carl, Michael and Tom. 3 British Gamers who are Passionate about the Gaming industry. Our channel is mostly consisted of gaming related videos such as News, Lets...
  11. multigamefreakz

    Gaming All About Gaming!

    Hi Gamers we are 3 british youtubers Carl, Tom & Mike we are from the ''city of culture 2017'' Hull, our channel is all about games, news, gameplay, collectors editions, podcasts and more. we try to upload as much content as we possibly can and hopefully one day make youtube our full time...
  12. DeadSilentTrent

    Gaming The Last Overwatch Uprising Lootbox Opening!

    Check out the last opening for lootboxes for the uprising event. I would love to know how you luck went this time around compared to the other events so leave a comment on what you ended up getting.
  13. Mr Grim

    Gaming The Division Free Weekend May 4th - 7th PlayStation And Xbox

    Hi freedom family how are you all doing. Just want to let you guys know the the division is free on PlayStation and Xbox this weekend. So if you haven't got the game download it for free and try it out. Hope you like the video, if you could sub that would be amazing.
  14. RealCanadianGaming

    Gaming Persona 5!! First 30 mins!!

    Hello so this is our Couch Co-op of Persona 5, a game I have been waiting to play since it was first announced a couple years ago!! These two parts start the game off right into some action where we have to escape from the police! We get an early experience of the new gameplay and fighting...
  15. vmancool


    TODAY WE FINISH OF THE FANTASTIC WATCH DOGS 2 STORY You Can also check out my social Media Facebook Page : Follow me Freedom link Twitch Link
  16. Up 'Til Noon

    Entertainment Giving Away A Playstation 4 On Our Channel

    Yup, we are giving away a PlayStation 4 with Final Fantasy 15 and 1 year of PSplus to one of our subscribers! If you visit our channel you will see the video right there! Hope to see some of the freedomers popping by!
  17. Avery Acosta

    PlayStation Looking for collab partners

    hey guys, if you have these games you can join me on my youtube channel P.S you need to be 13+ need to friend me on PS4- _zombiesen_ The games I have are: GTA 5 Titanfall 2 Injustice Gods Amoung Us Battlefield 1 If you want to contact me another way here are the rest of contacts: Twitter...
  18. tryhardwarsheep

    PlayStation Looking for someone to play bf4

    Hello, I'm tryhardwarsheep and i'm looking for someone to play battlefield 4 with. it doesn't have to be bf4 i have alot more games. pls reply if like this: Psn name:tryhardwarsheep (if you don't feel comfortable telling it aloud pm me it) Age:17 What game: battlefield 4 Mic: yes Ok if i...
  19. Crazylawrence

    Overwatch, is it worth buying it or just play TF2?

    Hey Freedom! Family. If you don't know me well, I play a lot of games, especially on PS4 and PC, as well as watching lots of eSport tournaments. Recently I have been watching the Overwatch Winter Premiere tournament and I think I might enjoy the game quite a bit, and I know a few of my friends...
  20. The Flawless

    Gaming Me playing Outlast and screaming like a little girl

    I hope you guys enjoy my channel make sure to subscribe and hit the bell as yt is broken