become better

  1. C'est la mode

    Beauty Introducing me

    Hi guys! My name is Olga, but you can find me as CESTLAMODE1 on YouTube. Although I'm from Spain, I really like speaking English so I really enjoy watching videos from English native speakers. I'm 21 years old. I received an email which explained me more or less what Freedom was and I loved it...
  2. Izaak.L

    Resources Beginners Guide for New YouTube Channels

    Here is a quick simple list of tips for new people to YouTube and even those who have been on for a while. I ask that if anyone has extra tips please do send me a message and I will add it right away with a credit to you if legitament. -Starting Anew- When starting a new channel, don't beg big...
  3. Izaak.L

    Beginners Guide for New YouTube Channels

    Here is a quick simple list of tips for new people to YouTube and even those who have been on for a while. I ask that if anyone has extra tips please do send me a message and I will add it right away with a credit to you if legitament. -Starting Anew- When starting a new channel, don't beg big...
  4. Matt B (M4ttb11)

    Tips & Tricks Need feedback on a video!!

    Hey everyone! I uploaded a video yesterday and because it was quite out of the norm, and I plan to continue uploading videos like it, I would like tips on how to improve as an entertainer and make my videos better! Please analyse this video and give me feedback asap. Thank you in advance :)