Search results

  1. ClumsySamurai

    PC Who wants to collab?! ClumsySamurai 212 sub

    What is up guys ClumsySamurai is my channel and I make funny moments game with A LOT of smack talking or having fun in general. I present you with a collaboration I need a group of youtuber who have Gang Beast and it will be my first Gang Beast video on my channel. Also if you are willing to...
  2. ClumsySamurai

    Subscriber Milestone 200 sub!

    WHAT 200 SUB! We hit this milestone and I really hope I can improve for my subscriber. YESSSS!!!!! Can we hit 500 sub in two mouth, because I'm going to set the bar high and reach it like my 200 sub goal.
  3. ClumsySamurai

    PC Looking for Youtuber to collab with!

    Hello, ClusmySamurai is my channel its where I post comedy Video Game Contents. I'm at 119 subscriber and I'm just looking for some YouTube buddy who wouldn't mind recording with me in the future. I would very like it if I can record with a different group of youtubers too! I have discord...
  4. ClumsySamurai

    What can I do to improve myself and my channel?

    Hello, I'm a gaming channel been working hard on it and been using tips from different YouTuber. But it doesn't seem like my channel is growing. I really want to improve myself, my channel for my subcriber, and people who watch my video's. What can I do to improve myself and my channel? (My goal...
  5. ClumsySamurai

    Gaming Gaming Comedy Youtuber! IM FREAKEN CRAZY!

    What up guys! ClumsySamurai is my YouTube channel currently at 114 sub (still small.) On my channel you will see a lot of different games that I play, I have some solo series (which Im improving on) gaming with friends and so on. If you check out my channel be sure to link yours in the comments...
  6. ClumsySamurai

    PC Finding New Member! YouTube Gaming!

    I am looking for a funny pc gamer (boy/girl) to join our group who can talk sh*t and can handle sh*t talk themselves. No subscriber amount needed only 4 requirements: * Must be 16+ * Must have Discord. Discord is a better version of skype for gaming youtubers. (it's...
  7. ClumsySamurai

    Subscriber Milestone 100 SUB! YAY! XD

    YASSSSS! I finally made it to 100 subscriber, however I'm not stopping yet. I want to keep on growing and having fun making funny videos for people to watch. XD
  8. ClumsySamurai

    Gaming Funny Gamer!

    WHAT UP shogun, ClumsySamurai is my channel where I post my video's. But what is good about my channel you may ask. On my channel I will post funny gameplay, moments, and my weird moment's too. Not only that I love interact with my shogun (sub). Anyway thank you for checking me out!
  9. ClumsySamurai

    Tips & Tricks Need Help with Focusrite Scarlett!

    I got the Scarlett new gen 2-in/2-out mixer or interface, however when I record on Action or any screen recorder why does the audio goes only to the left side of my headphone. I'm using a PC not mac, and I really need help about this mixer. (I record game play) Mic- NW-700
  10. ClumsySamurai

    Gaming Need Advice for my channel!

    ClumsySamurai is my youtube channel currently at 92 sub which I post funny video. However, I know that I need to improve on my channel, but I don't know what it is. If you check out my Youtube Channel pls give me some feedback Channel link:
  11. ClumsySamurai


    Hello, ClusmySamurai is my channel its where I post comedy Video Game Contents. I'm at 93 subscriber and I'm just looking for some YouTube buddy who wouldn't mind recording with me in the future. I have a Skype account(Clumsy_Samurai) and a discord channel(ClumsySamurai) which I used to...
  12. ClumsySamurai

    Gaming ClumsySamurai Gaming Comedy Channel

    Whatup peps ClumsySamurai here and thank you for click on this post. I'm a YouTube rookie and it would really mean a lot for me if you can check out my channel. If you can give me some feed back or advice on how I can improve it would help me a lot. But anyway I hope you enjoy my content!