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  1. NachoAverageGamers

    Comedy No Sub4Sub - Radiohead Cover

    Our very own Sam of Sam's Game Room made this cover for us after we made a terrible cover for his birthday. He's one talented guy, definitely check him out if you like this video.
  2. NachoAverageGamers

    Music A Cringy Music Video For Our Friend's Birthday

    We set out to make the worst cover ever. And that we did. This video was shot and edited in six hours as a challenge. Happy birthday to our friend at Sam's Game Room!
  3. NachoAverageGamers

    Behind the Tube: Life as a small Youtuber in 2016

    Hey everyone. We're... not crazy active on here. At least not anymore. Life has taken.. quite the turn for us. You see, Preston and myself (this is Chris) moved out of our homes about 8 months ago in order to do Youtube full time. I know you don't know us.. its whatever. Just bear with me...
  4. NachoAverageGamers

    YouTube Views Milestone 1000 views

    1033 views in three days on a video that I spent 15 minutes on. No pride.
  5. NachoAverageGamers

    Click Bait

    Okay, we've been making content for a year, gaining maybe... an average of 15-20 views per video. Its whatever, we don't do it for the views. Well, we've put hour upon days into some of our videos, decent sized skits and productions. Gaining anywhere from 40-100 views. Cool, right? Well, I made...
  6. NachoAverageGamers

    Other Milestone 100 Views in 3 hours

    That may not sound too impressive, but that's groundbreaking for us.
  7. NachoAverageGamers

    Messing around in Photoshop

    Spent some time in Photoshop, made this thing of our crew.
  8. NachoAverageGamers

    Strange Youtube Banner

    This is my revamped edit of our Youtube banner. The larger part of the picture is only initially viewable on the television Youtube format. How come I cant just make... normal things? ._.
  9. NachoAverageGamers

    Comedy Behind the Pixles: Punch Out!!

    We made this video a few weeks ago. Its part of a series that we recently started where we make mock histories of video games.
  10. NachoAverageGamers

    Keeping the Drive.

    Okay, scenario. You shoot for four days. You spend an accumulated 10 hours in post production. You put your heart into a project. For a handful of views. Does anyone else... get legitimately discouraged doing Youtube from time to time? I know it happens to me, only when I put out things I've...
  11. NachoAverageGamers

    H3H3 Productions getting sued

    Okay, this is a saucy topic right now. Ethan and Hila are being sued by ANOTHER YOUTUBE CHANNEL. For anyone following the story, what exactly are your thoughts on the matter?
  12. NachoAverageGamers

    Comedy Operation Potassium -- A short Skit

    So.. we're a small channel. But that doesn't mean we don't try. Personally, I've been trying to get better with Adobe After Effects to better polish and produce videos that are not only funny, but they appeal to people visually. Here's a short skit we did, its pretty goofy, but I put alot of...
  13. NachoAverageGamers

    Adobe Stock

    Okay, a while ago, I somehow got Adobe Stock added to my Creative Cloud less than a month ago. I.. dont know how, I dont think I tried getting it. Anyway, once I realize, I didnt want it. I mean... I have no need for it. So I went to remove it from my plan.. only to realize that there is a $120...
  14. NachoAverageGamers

    Alright... Infinite Warfare v. Battlefield 1

    Alright, based upon what is known about both titles and their trailers, what does everyone think? I kinda think people are really jumping on the bandwagon with the COD hate but.. I think Battlefield 1 is honestly looking like the more interesting of the two titles. What do you guys think?
  15. NachoAverageGamers

    Resources Sound effects for free

    Okay, I've been making videos for a while. And I think that the sound in a video is just as important as video itself. A while ago, I came across a website called It's pretty much just people posting sound clips they have for the community to use. I'm not too in touch with the...
  16. NachoAverageGamers

    Comedy Hi Everyone

    We're a small channel centered around gaming and skits. We've been at this for a little over a year and have done alot of learning creatively and personally. Besides let's play, we do random shorts about odd things. We also have a fairly new series called Behind the Pixels, where we make...