Adobe Stock


Active Member
May 18, 2016
Okay, a while ago, I somehow got Adobe Stock added to my Creative Cloud less than a month ago. I.. dont know how, I dont think I tried getting it. Anyway, once I realize, I didnt want it. I mean... I have no need for it. So I went to remove it from my plan.. only to realize that there is a $120 early termination fee on that (bricks were then shat). I'm low income, and barely able to afford Creative Cloud as is, so I take to Adobe's help team to solve the issue. Much to my surprise, they waived the fee and got it taken care of in less than a half hour. Regadless.. how strange is that? To just have Adobe Stock.. appear like that?


Rising User
Freedom! Member
May 20, 2016
Okay, a while ago, I somehow got Adobe Stock added to my Creative Cloud less than a month ago. I.. dont know how, I dont think I tried getting it. Anyway, once I realize, I didnt want it. I mean... I have no need for it. So I went to remove it from my plan.. only to realize that there is a $120 early termination fee on that (bricks were then shat). I'm low income, and barely able to afford Creative Cloud as is, so I take to Adobe's help team to solve the issue. Much to my surprise, they waived the fee and got it taken care of in less than a half hour. Regadless.. how strange is that? To just have Adobe Stock.. appear like that?
I have had some things happen to my account like that too. That was just "randomly added". I always like to keep an eye on stuff like that.
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