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  1. Kona2na

    Gaming Hi Guys I'm Kevin

    Hey Kevin, no reason to hate anyone homie. Welcome to the world that is 'Freedom'!
  2. Kona2na

    Who is a full-time Youtuber?

    I'd like to. Better yet, I'd love to. I produce a video a day, hopefully I start to take off soon!
  3. Kona2na

    Gaming Kona2na Here

    Any first steps I should be taking? Any important threads, or dance battles I should be a part of?
  4. Kona2na

    Gaming Hello Freedom comunnity

    Welcome to the party, do you have any finished games you've helped develop?
  5. Kona2na

    Gaming Kona2na Here

    Thanks guys, nice to meet you all!
  6. Kona2na

    Recommendable Games to Record ?

    I just refresh the "popular new releases" section of Steam and choose from what's on there. No one really wants to see an old game unless you are a pro, or have something else to bring to the table. So I try to focus on the new and now. That being said, it does get a bit more spendy :D
  7. Kona2na

    What do you focus your gaming channel on?

    I focus mostly on short story driven games. Long games can become tedious and convoluted, while short action games are boring and repetitive. I love a good story game where I can get into the characters mindset and make decisions whilst involving the audience. I recently played "Firewatch" which...
  8. Kona2na

    Gaming Kona2na Here

    My name is Cody I am a 25 year old man from Salem, Oregon. I found out about Freedom from a Youtubers "How do promote your gaming channel" video. I work at a coffee shop as well as a brewery, I handle all your addictions! My favorite food is whiskey. I ride my bike everyday, and I love cats...