Recent content by goshops

  1. goshops

    YouTube Building Fanbase

    Hey guys. First off, not trying to promote myself or my channel but I am seeking some help or tips or whatever regarding YouTube. How to build a fanbase? I've had my channel for a few years now and have not-so steadily released gaming videos, as my schedule allows. A few videos have a few...
  2. goshops

    Gaming Shopping in GTAV w/mods! (A bit of randomness)

    A recent video. I am going to try different editing styles and quick cuts at random times to keep the videos interesting; and hopefully short. Feedback would be greatly appreciated! As well as maybe a comment on the vid and a like, too?
  3. goshops

    Gaming Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition

    Here is a direct link to the video. If you watch the video, care to leave some feedback for me? It'd be appreciated, thanks.
  4. goshops

    Boku dake ga Inai Machi | Erased

    So, I just stumbled upon this anime, which I think is awesome as of episode 4 so far. Anyone else watching? Thoughts?
  5. goshops

    Tips & Tricks Where To Share Videos To Get More Attention??

    I've got a few Twitter followers and the past month or so average around 50 views to each video but it would be nice to grow. I don't have a Facebook page for my channel, only my personal page and Facebook was a pain when I tried to create one for my channel by saying it's not a proper name. I...
  6. goshops

    What Do You Think? PC Gaming or Console Gaming?

    I don't want to be in the #PCMasterRace but it is. Not only are frame rates better but graphics usually are as well. Add in the ability to mod and do other things that a computer can do, hands down. Although I grew up on consoles and dabbled lightly in PC gaming but didn't have a PC powerful...
  7. goshops

    PC Dying Light: The Following

    Looking for some people interested in co-op with Dying Light over Steam and chatting through Google Hangouts or Skype. This is for the PC version only, if there is cross platform compatibility then that would be a possibility. If you don't have the DLC, I would also be interested in regular...
  8. goshops

    Service Request Channel/Video Review

    Fellow Freedom members, I would greatly appreciate some feedback and advice on my channel and videos. Links are in my signature and I am not asking for subs in return. However, if you are so inclined to subscribe I appreciate it. I would like outside critiques (not from friends) on my...
  9. goshops

    Service Channel Feedback

    I would like a review, please and thank you.
  10. goshops

    Tips & Tricks Keys to Success

    I run my channel as a hobby but it would be nice to make some money off of it. It would be nice to make money like Markiplier and PewDiePie or Vanoss or H20Delirious, JackFrags, etc. but that isn't my goal. Making enough money so I can pay a few bills and take some stress off. Though it is a...
  11. goshops

    Are you frustrated yet?

    One of the frustrating things is where to share your videos. Certain places on reddit dislike it and have rules against sharing personal videos. Another frustrating thing is building an audience. I get views but not a lot and it would be nice to get some comments or feedback; I also don't mind...
  12. goshops

    PC Dying Light: The Following

    Hello Freedom! I would love to try some co-op on the PC version of Dying Light! I do have the new DLC, The Following, so if you have that to, let's play sometime! Here's my Steam: Send me a message there, here, or on Youtube if you're interested.
  13. goshops

    Gaming Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition

    What's up Freedom!? I am doing a walkthrough/let's play of the new Dying Light DLC! I would like to do a full play through of the story and a fair number of side quests. I am also considering doing a Twitch livestream if anyone would be interested in watching that. Also, if you have the game I...
  14. goshops

    If you could combine 2 game what would they be?

    I'd love an open world sandbox mixed with some world destructiveness of Red Faction all rolled into a DBZ game. Ideally it would be like an RPG where you can unlock new abilities as you level up, like instant transmission, or super saiyan, etc. and you start out fighting in tournaments before...
  15. goshops

    Oculus Rift = $599!! | What do you guys thing about this?

    I don't really understand why people are complaining about the price. I know it was 'supposed' to be $200-$400 but still, for what you're getting and what you can experience, I think $600 is a very reasonable price, and I did have a DK2 that cost me $400+ Once I get the money I'll be getting...