Recent content by DerpieDoo

  1. DerpieDoo

    Comedy I think I met the strangest twitch streamers.

    Walk away from what? streaming? dont walk away from streaming, if you enjoy it, then by all means do it!! :P it may not be easy to get exposure without being lewd. but when you DO get exposure, its all that much more gratifying!
  2. DerpieDoo

    Comedy I think I met the strangest twitch streamers.

    Here is the vid. So... I was enlightened.. Met my first ever schizophrenic streamer! No one go screwing with this dude.. aside from his peculiarities, i'm sure he is a great dude. and at least he is not a stream ****!
  3. DerpieDoo

    VR Need a female voice.

    I need a few lines to be read by a female. the lines are; "would you like fries with that?" "want to super size the meal for just 80 cents more?" "did you just want the sandwich? or the whole meal?" "Ok drive around to the first window... asshole..." I will be editing the audio, and...
  4. DerpieDoo

    Community Review Series!

    Your channel is not linked properly in both your post, and in your "sub" button.
  5. DerpieDoo

    Service Request Err.. What am I??

    Notta bad idea.. if nothing else, could use it to re-direct viewers to the youtube :p
  6. DerpieDoo

    Subscriber Milestone 30 subs! ?

    Maybe a hundred years? :P no idea.. I try not to put deadlines on something out of my control :P
  7. DerpieDoo

    Service Request Err.. What am I??

    Im having a hard time classifying, and finding direction for my channel... I have a few game reviews, I have a bit of general podcast styled talks, I have some game play.. I have some comedy... o.O What I dont have is direction, and where I need to take my channel from here.. Im starting...
  8. DerpieDoo

    Subscriber Milestone 30 subs! ?

    Apparently it happened a day or so ago, and I didnt notice.. never the less. thus begins the first step on this long journey.
  9. DerpieDoo

    Service Free Banners or Thumbnails

    Search for "Derp" or "Pyrite1978"
  10. DerpieDoo

    Service Free Banners or Thumbnails

    Think you could improve on whatI already have on my channel?
  11. DerpieDoo

    YouTube Suggestion: HeartBeat Should Be Like TubeBuddy! POLL!

    I would just like to see the **** freedom makes, Actually work.. at all.. Heartbeat.. Analytics.. .... anything,... just make something that functions as advertised. or stop taking revenue.
  12. DerpieDoo

    Tips & Tricks Here is a little trick for your URLs

    its no more agressive than sayin "like comment share and sub" in every single video.. this is not something you would stick all over the web.. its just when you would be writing out the url for your channel.. which generally speaking only happens when asked in the first place :P
  13. DerpieDoo

    Tips & Tricks Here is a little trick for your URLs

    When someone ask what your channel is, why not auto prompt them to sub? :D Some may not approve of this .. and some may have already posted it.. I dunno.. But I will share it now.. :) When posting your youtube channel for someone, either social media, or in a PM with the, or email, or...
  14. DerpieDoo

    VR A New Channel Promoter idea on my channel for small channels!

    Initially, I had that though as well.. but in the grand scheme of things, even if his channel is new and small like mine, and he only has 20 subs.. At least he is doing SOMETHING.. at least he wants to include the community... and that alone for me is enough.