VFX Request Youtube Intro (Minecraft)

Dylan Arbeau

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Hello everyone! Was wondering if anyone could make me an intro for my gaming channel. I would like this to be semi-professional, and I'm willing to pay good money, for good work.

- It's for Minecraft
- No longer then 10 seconds (can be flexible, but that would be preferred)
- I am making an audio track to go along with the intro that goes: "You are watching... DeeTasticGaming", so make the text "You are watching" pop up with some effect, then after a second, show "DeeTasticGaming" with crazy text effects or something along those lines to really emphasize the name!
- I would like it to be Minecraft related if possible
- Text/Font doesn't matter, but if you are stuck on what to use, feel free to download the font: "Skirmisher"
- As far as the music, if you have a ROYALTY FREE piece of dubstep, feel free to add it and I will decide after if it's what I'm looking for.

Thanks for your time guys, and I hope to see a good creation!!

- Dylan
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