Solved Youtube analytics and Freedom payout

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New User
I've been seeing the youtube analytics and i had aproximate 10$ per month and when freedom is going to pay me, only 1,25$ is shown. I don't know how these pay rates are so low. I got around 15k views in 2 months and only got 2,50$. I would like to know why i'm getting lower pay rates as normal.


Rising User
Hey Danossky , there r numerous reasons why ur payment rate is low , most common one is that not every view u get generates a number of money , lemme break it down for u :
> Ofcourse u know that u get money based on ads on ur video ( if not google that and understand it )
1. Most mobile phones \ tablet and ipads doesnt bring up ads when a video being played except the pre-roll and mid-roll ads ( the ones before ur video and mid way )
2. users may have ad block turned on so that causes ads not to appear and hence,, no money generated
3. users may view ur video but doesnt actually stick much to it ( watch time ) so the ads on the side of ur video may generate a very very minor income <0.1 USD
those r the reasons i can think of , if doesnt apply to u when u check ur analytics and traffic sources then maybe it will appear on freedom payment page at the end of this month or the beginning of the new one !
Hope i helped , Cheers !
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Mythic User
The payments are made with a 2 month delay, your November payment will be at the end of this month.

Your YouTube analytics should be fairly accurate, remember that not every view may be a monetizes view. Depending on your channel location, content and retention will depend on what gets monetized. This link should show how many monetized playbacks you have received,fe=17187,fr=lw-001,fs=17160;fc=0,fcr=0,r=adtype

Also make sure you take into account your revenue share with Freedom which will be from 60% to 95%
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