YouTube Your look must be crossed About your channel !!

I have a friend who makes videos in which he speaks about kodi TV. When it appears in any video I hear the sound of dishes and glass. I asked her what she was doing -Why do I always hear a voice? and smashing glass and dishes?

They then said to me they separate the scenes from his world. Also for BASK in the video. This will reflect your channel, and who you are. Movements of your hands, the way you sit - look at the Presidents, they try to show prestige - let this be all over.

I will give another example: we will assume that viewers of your channel are all cold - with a few minutes of observation. Ask yourself - Why are they with me?

That is your channel, it is their home, you are with them and everyone is a family

zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
View attachment 18600
I have a friend who makes
Videos in which he speaks
About kodi TV
In YouTube
It makes Add ons Kodi
And when it appears in any video
I hear the sound of dishes and glass
It is broken !!!
I asked him what she was doing
Why do I always hear a voice?
Smashing glass and dishes
then he said to me:
I separate the scenes from
His world came from him
I make it all with me !!!
Also for BASK in the video
Will reflect your channel
Your boss will tell people
who are you
What is your channel
Movements of your hands
The way to sit
Look at the presidents
They try to show prestige
Let it be all the place
You should know how
We make scenes
It becomes all part
Of the video
I will give another example:
We will assume that viewers
In your channel
They were cold
Few minutes of observation
Here you should know you are the reason !!
Ask yourself:
Why are they with me here
Try to give them that
I make sincere efforts
In that make them feel
That is your channel
It is their home
You are with them and everyone is a family
View attachment 18601
عندي صديق يصنع
فيديوهات يتكلم فيها
عن kodi TV
في يوتيوب
إنه يصنع Add ons Kodi
و عندما يظهر في أي فيديو
أسمع أنا صوت أطباق و زجاج
يتم تحطيمه !!!
سألته لماذ تفعل ذلك
لماذا أسمع دوما صوت
تحطيم زجاج و أطباق
فقال لي:
أنا أفصل المشاهد عن
عالمه الذي أتى منه
أنا اجعله يصير كله معي!!!
أيضا لباسك في الفيديو
سيعبر عن قناتك
لباسك سيقول للناس
من أنت
ما هي قناتك
حركات يديك
طريقة الجلوس
أنظر للرؤساء
يحاولون اظهار الهيبة
ليصير كل المكان
يجب أن نعرف كيف
نجعل المشاهد
يصير كله جزء
من الفيديو
سأعطي مثال آخر :
سنفترض أن المشاهدين
في قناتك
أصابهم الفتور
وصارت دقائق المشاهدة قليلة
هنا يجب أن تعرف انك السبب !!
اسأل نفسك:
لماذا هم معي هنا
حاول أن تعطيهم ذلك
ابذل جهودا صادقة
في أن تجعلهم يشعرون
أن قناتك
هي بيتهم
و أنك معهم وأن الجميع اسرة
So really your trying to tell people to do the best content that they can, whilst making sure it comes across as genuine, and authentic. Make sure that they give off the right image, and presentation.

Also may I ask that you write your comments fully on each line, as you seem to keep cutting your sentence up into smaller lines with only a few words in them, not only does this look unprofessional and seems like you don't care enough to make sure it looks the best it can, but it also makes it much harder for people to read. In addition then to fix this I / other moderators have to spend time editing the post due to the formatting
So really your trying to tell people to do the best content that they can, whilst making sure it comes across as genuine, and authentic. Make sure that they give off the right image, and presentation.

Also may I ask that you write your comments fully on each line, as you seem to keep cutting your sentence up into smaller lines with only a few words in them, not only does this look unprofessional and seems like you don't care enough to make sure it looks the best it can, but it also makes it much harder for people to read. In addition then to fix this I / other moderators have to spend time editing the post due to the formatting
Thank you, brother
I will make efforts
In offering what is good
I do not know the language
English well
I'm trying
I make sincere efforts