Your highest single day CPM?

Nolan Westmore

I take up space
Freedom! Member
Jul 29, 2014
We all have those days where, for any reason, there is ridiculous spike in our CPM and we earn more than we could ever expect. Whether it be from someone having a playlist playing in the background and sitting through a 43 minute non-skippable ad, or if it be from an ad-click that leads to a big purchase on the end. Most of us have had these random spikes.

On my off-to-the-side gaming channel, the one I pay no attention to, it had just the same happen to it. For a single day, it had 6 views, 3 minutes watched (it has short videos) and a $466.59 playback-based CPM and a $373.28 true CPM. This, from 4 monetized playbacks in the United States, the majority of which is from "Display Ads", those overlay things that you always "X" out of as soon as they pop up. Odd. That day was worth $1.03.
If I could get $1.03 for 3 views. I'd be laughing!

My vlogs haven't quite had that spike, but got some high stuff. Late-April saw a day which got a $109.96 CPM. This, from a single monetized playback from Belgium. Not only that, but it was a skippable ad.

So of course, the question. What is your highest single-day CPM for you channel? Does yours beat mine?


Mythic User
My analytics were reset a while ago but $220 is my highest spike. I still don't get why these ad spikes happen. An advertiser can't possibly pay $500 for 1000 ads... can they?

Edit: Found this from reddit and it sound about right, looks like they do actually pay that much but it's usually just for a single ad and not all of them.

"You would be surprised at how often this happens. It's actually a bug in the Google AdWords bidding platform. Occasionally two or more ads can get stuck in an automated 'bidding war' that artificially drives up the price the advertiser has to pay. Their compliance systems usually catch it after a few impressions, so you would be unlikely to get anywhere near 1000 impressions with these gold plated ads... One can dream...

Having said that, sometimes it can be a genuine bidding war when new advertisers come along that don't know how to use the system and enter outrageous CPMs, forcing the automated campaigns competing with it to raise their bids much higher than usual as well. However, an account manager usually fixes that for them quickly as well.

There's no way to target the real lucrative ads ($100CPM+) without seeing them first and understanding what that advertiser is looking for, but (speaking about the long-term here), the best way to get more lucrative ads with AdSense is to make the best possible content you can and stick to a regular schedule - Everything else follows from there..."

Nolan Westmore

I take up space
Freedom! Member
Jul 29, 2014
According to my analytics, there was a total of 4 monetized playbacks that day, totally $1.87 in estimated earnings (before YouTube's/Freedom!'s take). Should it have continued to 1000 impressions, the advertiser would have in-fact paid ~$467.5, assuming it was the same advertiser.

Think about that, in a world where I was the popular guy, it would've been 3000 views for that ridiculous CPM netting a cool half-k. Which while unrealistic, my estimated earnings do go to prove that the advertiser was paying that much per 1000 impressions.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Aug 9, 2015
Sydney, Australia
I believe that your CPM goes down, the larger your channel grows (view-wise). Used to have around $150 CPM at 20 subs, now dropped to $5-$10, currently have 770 subs.

Nolan Westmore

I take up space
Freedom! Member
Jul 29, 2014
I believe that your CPM goes down, the larger your channel grows (view-wise). Used to have around $150 CPM at 20 subs, now dropped to $5-$10, currently have 770 subs.
It just evens out when you have more ads playing. YouTube begins to understand what your general audience is and will show ads accordingly.
In the early stages, it has no idea where it should direct your audience because it has insufficient data, only data on individuals is present due to ad-tracking, but nothing is there about the group yet.

Kratos Aurion

You Earnestly believe you could defeat me?
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
Phoenix, Arizona
70.56 on June 8th 2014. 44 estimated monetized playbacks.

The big reason for that was because of a video of mine that had 1 estimated monetized playback worth $2710 CPM.

1 That's a lot.jpg

Besides that the next highest I have is $46.94 on May 11th 2016. Also 44 Estimated monetized playbacks.
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