Your channel name down here

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Rising User
Mar 26, 2016
Give me your channel name and maybe I'll check you out when I have the time :p

Edit: It seems this is now a thread where I point out what you need to fix with your channel and you guys are taking it pretty well so I hope you don't get offended if I say your thumbnails aren't pretty.Also please be patient cuz ITS NOT EASY looking through videos and finding whats wrong then putting it all Into a nice sentence.
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Rising User
Mar 26, 2016
Checked you out.I will be brutally honest you need a major improvement in your art and thumbnails and stuff.See i thought you were a crappy mc channel because you have a mc sword and it doesn't look good.But it turns out you do COD and have pretty decent quality and your mic isn't half bad.Some people won't even click on that so you should work on that.I sometimes do free stuff for someone when I feel like it so if I have time after school I might do something for you.


Rising User
Mar 26, 2016
You need thumbnails for your pokemon videos.Also I see you haven't been active for a year then uploaded 2 vids/week then again 2 vids in a week then 3 videos in a day.I'd recommend you space that out.3 videos a week? You can upload them all then schedule when each one comes out and that way people will see you are active.If you can't do 3 videos a week thats understandable I just meant as in don't upload it all in one day then not upload for the rest of the week.And you sometimes talk really silently so i can't really hear so maybe work that out in editing.


Rising User
Mar 26, 2016
Gods of Odds, I know I do need thumbnails which I am trying to sort out.
uhh If you're looking for software to make thumbnails use gimp.Its free and has many features.I like how you try to keep the commentary active throughout the entire video thats a really nice touch.I recommend putting some editing into your videos.Some cuts and effects would be nice.Also having your facecam so small is pretty much useless.Thumbnails you said for yourself.Don't let my comments bring you down I'm here to be as negative and brutal as I can be.Ofcourse these are all suggestions aswell don't think Oh I have to do all of this now because this kid said so.Keep it up!

Gods of Odds

uhh If you're looking for software to make thumbnails use gimp.Its free and has many features.I like how you try to keep the commentary active throughout the entire video thats a really nice touch.I recommend putting some editing into your videos.Some cuts and effects would be nice.Also having your facecam so small is pretty much useless.Thumbnails you said for yourself.Don't let my comments bring you down I'm here to be as negative and brutal as I can be.Ofcourse these are all suggestions aswell don't think Oh I have to do all of this now because this kid said so.Keep it up!
Thanks and I do agree with everything you said, I am still trying to learn what works best.


Rising User
Mar 26, 2016
Officer Toast
You have pretty nice quality and I like the idea of 1v1-ing your viewers makes for some good interaction.Your thumbnails are very good I'd just make the text pop a little more or make it a little easier to read.Your consistency needs a bit of work since it seems you only uploaded randomly every few months but I think you don't do that anymore since youve done pretty well this week and the one before.GG
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