XBox Xbox One Collaboration For Gaming


Rising User
Freedom! Member

I'm starting to grow and I'm starting to recognize that it may be a good idea to start collaborating with people around the same size or a bit bigger than me. This is a thought and if I can get enough interest I would definitely consider doing a collaboration with one or a couple of you guys in the freedom family here!!

Requirements Are Simple & Easy -
Age: Between 13 & 18 Years
Location: Either America, Australia or New Zealand
Language: Must Have a Nice Accent on English
Subscribers: Above 100 Subscribers & A Active Fan Base (I'll Check)

These are all the requirements that I need. If you do want to collaborate with me please let me know down below with the following things

(*) Is Required
*Xbox Gamertag:

Thanks For Your Support & If You Feel Like You want to Ask Any Questions! Please Let me Know Down Below or Contact Me with these details.

My Details
Age: 15
Location: Australia
Timezone: 10:00 AEST

Contact Details
Skype: ExoticTV
Youtube: ExoticTV
Xbox Gamertag: TheExoticTV

Thanks, Michael Germanotta

Natrix Gaming

Rising User
Feb 28, 2016
AYY dude we have a youtube group if you would like to join were all around the same age and on the same console and we people around 70-100 and a bro who has 900 subs
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Natrix Gaming

Rising User
Feb 28, 2016
Skype is natrixgaimg and GT is eZaF rouge were doin a collab on march 8th the division u should join

Accidental Entertainment

Accidental Entertainment
Freedom! Member
Feb 21, 2014
Hey ExoticTV, our group channel (Accidental Entertainment) has about 630 subscribers but honestly not all of them are on board at the moment because life got in the way and our channel had been on break for a while but we're back now better than ever! :D I (Marcus) would love to do some collaborations and I am sure other members would to. We are between the ages of 17-19, we're Australian and speak clear English (of course). Personally I am 17 (18 soon) and my Xbox gamertag is MRP Skipper. You can find us over at and you can contact me directly via skype at Skipper5070
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