Worst thing you have ever said

Flex Bormarr

Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Apr 13, 2015
Back when I was in middle school everyone started to use stronger language. I wasn't the swearing type because if my parents found out they would absolutely destroy me. One day my friend invited me to go to a water park with him, his brother, and 2 of his older cousins (that were driving us there). My friend and his brother got in the back seat of the car, as I started to climb in the cousin behind the wheel started to pull away. And by instinct, of me wanting to be like every one else and swear maybe? idk, anyways.... I said "stop the car you ret*rd" (can't find a good way to censor that). After that she smashed the break peddle and told me to get out of the car for being rude.
At the time I was upset, because I was maybe 12 and I was an idiot (still am), and I didn't understand the true meaning of the word. After that I have regretted saying that ever sense and it is probably my least favorite word in my knowledge. I hate having that memory in my head and still want to have the ability to apologize to her. Luckily for me I had a good friend and he got out of the car with me and had his mom take us to meet up with the others..... So what is the worst thing that you have said to someone? Is it worse than mine? Do you want to take it back?

Hail Kira

Game Show Host
Freedom! Member
Feb 5, 2014
British Columbia
In grade 4... I guess I was about 8 or 9... I told my teacher in the middle of class that I was gonna rip his head off and stick dynamite down his throat and blow him up... forever since called him Sparky, instead of his Mr. Whatever name....

I was a messed up kid...

Surprisingly I never even got in trouble for that... I think he was more surprised than anything...

Flex Bormarr

Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Apr 13, 2015
In grade 4... I guess I was about 8 or 9... I told my teacher in the middle of class that I was gonna rip his head off and stick dynamite down his throat and blow him up... forever since called him Sparky, instead of his Mr. Whatever name....

I was a messed up kid...

Surprisingly I never even got in trouble for that... I think he was more surprised than anything...
thats harsh Xd

Robin “Williams” Muscato

My Youtube Channel
Freedom! Member
May 31, 2015
i done far worse. i kick my dad in chest. now back than my dad was still live and have very bad lunge. back than it was a good reason why i kick him. he did try hit me. i do feel bad more so now about it. the idea all that happen was start by me try protect my sister. thing should have gone better. but i guess having bad lunge and try get air and living know every day maybe last day of your life can make anyone go mad. i know my dad do love for his kids. it just world was so hard on him. if you ask me today will i do the same. to protect people, yes. but to forgive my self. no. i kick a war hero who help protect are right. it feel wrong for right reason to this day...

Kratos Aurion

You Earnestly believe you could defeat me?
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
Phoenix, Arizona
Honestly no idea. There aren't any memories that particularly stick out. That's probably a good thing.

I'm sure I got some but I don't know if they are as bad as what you guys have had.

Brent Cone

Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Nov 21, 2014
Not too long ago I said to my mom that I hated her & that I didn't love her! :/

That really hurts me still today cuz I love her more than anything else and she is the most important person in my life. Glad I told her that later when we sat down & talked about it! :)

Everyone makes mistakes & we're not perfect. That's how we are created.
However it's never too late to make things right again! :) <3
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Freedom! Member
Mar 2, 2014
Can't think of anything in particular that is out of the ordinary. Sure I have said some bad things, but everyone has at one point or another while they where mad. Curse words, or the "I hate you!" ... sort of remark. It's not really an issue as long as you forgive and makeup.

Olivea Sea

Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
I actually feel very bad about this but: Once I said to my boyfriend that I wished that my parents and my sis would get in a break up fight 'again'. So that the all the awkward moment at manditory birthday party and such would finally end. ( the situation is so awkward at the moment, we are sitting at separate tables and mostly don't even talk and I just dread every second of it. They have been fighting for years with me in the middle.)
I wish that I could have a good bond with my sis but the whole situation make me not want to go to any family related moments anymore.


Respected User
Oct 24, 2015
"I looked up for you because I though you were what I was looking for,maybe we are different...and that´s probably the problem you are seeing right now, but what you don´t see is that I didn´t cared about that...that I tried to understand you every time I could....but now Im sad to know that I was after a pile of garbage"