PC World of Gronga [Minecraft RPG Teams Series]

Ranting Reviews

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Oct 27, 2014
Hello everyone I have decided to make a series combining multiple gamer's fused into a minecraft world.
The cast are picking up the pieces from their loss and defeat of a battle. Suddenly Ranty appears and tells them they have not lost. He has a time machine which can transport them to the past and fix all their mistakes. They all travel to the bottom of the castle and pick a class the classes are to be used incase of an emergency stop. However, this creates a rip in the dimensions and they fall in between worlds into a time unknown. They are now stranded and have no way of returning.

1. Over the Age of 14.
2. Good Microphone
3. Able to record Saturday's and Sunday's at 5-8 GMT

Sound like you up for it?
Contact my skype
Skype : PrydeOrigin
