Will This Gaming PC Work?


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Jan 30, 2016
For a little bit less you'll do better (benches faster) with this graphics card: http://amzn.com/B013WQCC8Q
Motherboard Good
Processor Good
RAM - it's ok
SSD - Great choice!
PowerSupply - Personally, Power is very important since it could fry sensitive components... I would stick to major name brands like Corsair or Silverstone, but at $50 for 750 watts, that's hard to beat. If you can spend $25 more, i'd suggest to go with a comparable Corsair Powersupply.
HHD - No, just no. Why? You already have a real SSD, no need to buy a hybrid. Also, there's almost never a good reason to buy a Seagate... At least, not for data you consider important lol. You didn't mention "what" you are going to use the HHD for, but my guess is to store your games while the OS will live on the SSD. If that's the case don't sweat about the HHD's RPM. I'm not saying it's completely not important, but for a gaming pc that has the OS on a SSD, loading a new level or a game from a another HHD will only take a few seconds longer from a 5,400 RPM HHD than a 7,200 RPM drive. Consider a 2 TB WD Black or WD Blue.

Enjoy your build! :)


Technologist, Future Gamer! ~ Zac's Custom
Freedom! Member
Aug 17, 2015

For the sake of having to make a list, I've made one that is like yours on PcPartPicker - http://pcpartpicker.com/p/X4x4yc

Now what I'm going to do is try and make it a lot better, and for the same price.

My Build - http://pcpartpicker.com/p/zsqT8d

The 8320 will do a lot better in multi tasking than the 4690k, if you want to Game and LiveStream, or Game and Record, I'm sure they both will work either way, but if you want the extra power, I'd go with the 8320 since it can do the same as the 4690k and for a cheaper price.

The GTX 950 was made to replace the GTX 750 Ti, It's a lot newer, and can game a lot better than the 750 ti(A bit higher in price, but it's worth it)

I've changed your 2TB HDD with a 3TB HDD more space, for a tad bit more of a price increase, it's not that much, but the total outcome is about the same price, give or take a few dollars.

Another bonus is the extra Ram, You get 8GB more ram, for Video editing, and doing more tasks in the background :)


Zac's Custom