Why did you join Freedom!


Rising User
Aug 21, 2016
I'm still wondering if I should go for a Freedom! partnership, I have seen a lot of both positive and negative reviews, but nothing that is up to date, I was wondering what the current freedom partners have to say about it and is it worth going for, should I wait until I have more views/subscribers or go for it now. Only constructive comments please, no one word sentences or anything.

Olivea Sea

Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
I've been with freedom my first year of making video's it mainly helped me to getting knowlage of this forum, I made use of the music oppertunity's and got a shoutout in their #nevergiveupseries. Anyhow I feel like freedom helped me get started by answering questions, support and delivering the tools.

But because I'm a beauty channel I never really felt like there where allot of oppertunities for me here and I always wanted to get with a big beauty related mcn that certain requirments to get into. Once I got in I switched to them. They overal offer a simmilar support and some extra's but overal I liked my time at Freedom.


Rising User
Aug 21, 2016
I've been with freedom my first year of making video's it mainly helped me to getting knowlage of this forum, I made use of the music oppertunity's and got a shoutout in their #nevergiveupseries. Anyhow I feel like freedom helped me get started by answering questions, support and delivering the tools.

But because I'm a beauty channel I never really felt like there where allot of oppertunities for me here and I always wanted to get with a big beauty related mcn that certain requirments to get into. Once I got in I switched to them. They overal offer a simmilar support and some extra's but overal I liked my time at Freedom.
That's one of the reasons I'm hesitant to apply, I have a music provider so I don't need Freedom! music, and as good as a shout out would be I don't feel like I will get any major benefits, I can still make great use of this forum, which is a good one, and on the topic of payment I am going to stick with adsense until I find a MCN which attracts me. Not too sure though, never had a partnership and don't know if Freedom is worth it, going to get some gaming channels opinions before I decide whether to apply or not.

Paul Brierley

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Aug 30, 2016
I was like that for a while, i got an email from Freedom asking me if i wanted to join, i've always stayed away from networks as when you look deeper into them it always turns out to be shite! Freedom is the first one i went for (just partnered with them yesterday) and now i'm just going to go with the flow and see how it can benfit me in ways it didnt with adsense.
Regarding money i wouldnt even worry about that for now as i hardly make anything anyway, i'm just interested in helping get my channel out and this seemed like it might have some potential, basicly had nothing to loose.


Mythic User
The main reason I joined when I first got a message about it was the no lock in contract. I was like, pretty sure this wont help my channel at all but may as well give it a go. Ended up learning quite a lot from the community/guides and went from 300 subs up to 500 fairly quickly. Then I stuck around because of the tools/community, it would be nice for Freedom to bring in some more tools and features though.


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Jun 16, 2016
I needed a network to help me grow. and I found freedom and even the name says enough to me so I joinged XD


Someone recruited me to join Freedom!, so I did. Freedom! bumped my subs from 500 to 2,000! Just doing it to show off my videos but at the time, wasn't monetizing. Their guides and support are good but don't care too much.

Fatal Beauty

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jul 19, 2016
I joined Freedom because it is one of the active communities for YouTubers. I wanted to get more exposure, learn tips and tricks, meet other YouTubers and help them grow. I'm not very satisfied but not dissatisfied either. You can get feedback from fellow YouTubers if not the exposure you were expecting.

TriForce Productions

New User
Freedom! Member
Sep 2, 2016
I joined freedom because I wanted my channel to go like everyone else. This is just a hobby of mine and I want some sort of following as I do this :) Either way, growth or not, making videos is fun and keeps me busy!

Ashley SilverDust

Community Team
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
Feb 14, 2015
Maine, USA
I joined Freedom! after someone commented on a video of mine and suggested it. I took a look around. I watched a ton of the videos on Freedom! Central before officially deciding. I'd say the channel won me over initially, and the forums looked like a great place. It ended up being an easy decision. Almost 2 years later now, I'd say it's one of the best decisions I've personally ever made. I love our #FreedomFamily and all of the awesome people here in the community. It's nice to know you're surrounded by people that understand what you're doing and share the same hobbies as you! There are some great perks too, many things available to partners, such as Epoxy, Spreadshirt, the Discord servers, gfx, and music! So many reasons to be happy here! :)


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Sep 8, 2016
I joined because I wanted to collaborate with all you fine people. Meet new people with the same interest and maybe make a difference in the youtube community in some way.