Who Inspired You to YouTube?


Jul 10, 2014
Question asks it all! Who's your inspiration?

For me, like many others, probably, it was Markiplier. He made making videos / recording videos / interacting with people seem like a lot of fun (plus, I used to stream a lot, too) so I decided to give it a shot and I still enjoy doing it today!

Nordic Chronicles

Freedom! Partner
Freedom! Member
Jun 8, 2014
U.S.A, Illinois.
When I first began uploading more on Youtube and was currently hooked on TES: Skyrim at the time, I was inspired by a youtuber known as The Scatsbury. Nowadays, there are multiple youtubers which inspire me, for guide content, it is between Gopher or Wooden Potatoes, for comedic content Tear of Grace & Tomato Gaming, and whenever I get around to do educational content in the far future, most likely the Vsauces.
But to pinpoint to one, The Scatsbury was kind of the one who inspired me to actually begin uploading videos and so forth.
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Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
Hands down, both TotalBiscuit, and Day[9]. Totalbiscuit has an iconic voice, lots to say, and manages to help encourage people to buy games based on quality, and not impulse. Day9 is seriously the most positive person I've seen online, and I aspire to be more like the both of them ^^
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Jul 10, 2014
Hands down, both TotalBiscuit, and Day[9]. Totalbiscuit has an iconic voice, lots to say, and manages to help encourage people to buy games based on quality, and not impulse. Day9 is seriously the most positive person I've seen online, and I aspire to be more like the both of them ^^
I've had the opportunity to meet Day9 several years ago on four or five different occasions, and while I'm not an avid fan / viewer of his, I really like his personality on and off stage. He has that kind of memory where he remembers everyone's names. First time I met him, I merely introduced myself, we talked a little bit, and then parted ways. Second time, was roughly 6 months later, and he approached me, remembering my name and asked me how I was. It's pretty awesome. *_*


Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
I've had the opportunity to meet Day9 several years ago on four or five different occasions, and while I'm not an avid fan / viewer of his, I really like his personality on and off stage. He has that kind of memory where he remembers everyone's names. First time I met him, I merely introduced myself, we talked a little bit, and then parted ways. Second time, was roughly 6 months later, and he approached me, remembering my name and asked me how I was. It's pretty awesome. *_*
Seriously!? Day9 is about 80 miles away from where I live, and I'm definitely planning on seeing him some day ^^ He's extremely smart from what I hear too. Graduated at a top-tier school, and manages to combine comedy into everything he does seamlessly. That's insane how he remembered all that time later, hah ^^


Jul 10, 2014
Seriously!? Day9 is about 80 miles away from where I live, and I'm definitely planning on seeing him some day ^^ He's extremely smart from what I hear too. Graduated at a top-tier school, and manages to combine comedy into everything he does seamlessly. That's insane how he remembered all that time later, hah ^^
Yea! I used to do a lot of e-sports stuff back in the days, and I was part of a pretty up-and-coming organization that was able to get Day9 to fly out to Texas and commentate for us. : ) He's super smart and really appreciates his fans.


Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
Yea! I used to do a lot of e-sports stuff back in the days, and I was part of a pretty up-and-coming organization that was able to get Day9 to fly out to Texas and commentate for us. : ) He's super smart and really appreciates his fans.
Well, I know what one of my next goals will be, hah. It sounds like you've lived a full life already from just Day9 alone, I've been stationary when it comes to YouTube. Hopefully one day in the future, I can manage running a group like that too :eek:
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GLP Matty

CEO and Founder of Illuminati
Freedom! Member
Jul 8, 2014
The yogscast inspired me to work with a team and to collaborate with others. Robbaz is what pushed me to make gaming videos but ultimately it was antony C whit his brony nonsense that inspired me to start my own series on mlp. I can't just say one youtuber inspired me because to be honest I've been wanting to start youtube since I first watched raywilliamjohnson back in like 2010 or something. Possibly even before then.
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Kratos Aurion

You Earnestly believe you could defeat me?
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
Phoenix, Arizona
Starting out I didn't really have any inspiration other than I just simply wanted to post quote videos of my favorite video game character Kratos Aurion. I believe the inspiration behind me starting let's play videos however was from a friend I knew well not a youtuber. They thought the quote videos were stupid and wanted to see me actually play the game XD

Ironically enough that person doesn't watch any of my content for whatever reason. We are still really good friends though.
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Stretch AdventureKS

That Skeleton!
Freedom! Member
Sep 4, 2014
My first inspiration when it comes to making videos is SSoHPKC, let's player that started doing playthroughs around 2008/2009. However, the thing that made me go all out and do videos since the beginning of 2014 was a bunch of friends and a girlfriend that I had before and made videos for them. Long story short, I am no longer in contact with them and basically started like a new life, but I still keep my promise since then that I will redo and complete some playthroughs that I have never finished before 2014 and will do in the future, when the time comes and I will be prepared, whenever that time will come and to make myself happy and complete.
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Nolan Westmore

I take up space
Freedom! Member
Jul 29, 2014
I draw my inspiration from four main YouTubers and they all have their own role in the way I view my content creation on YouTube.

Emmablackery inspires me to be spontaneous and personable. Being just me makes for the most consistent videos.

CaseyNeistat inspires me to go the extra mile and take the extra time to create a good scene.

OfficialNerdCubed inspires me to think ethically and be realistic with the way I speak about things. To never sell out my opinion for money.

PewDiePie inspires me to just do what I want to do with my channel and to do it in whichever way makes me the most satisfied with the work.

The Erratic Gamer

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Jan 16, 2016
Los Angeles
haha I feel super sappy for even saying mine XD. It was my wife and my step father. I barely even checked youtubers out until about 6 months ago. XD.I also want to make people laugh and hopefully get a smile out of my videos. :D I guess those are mine inspirations.