Zivicious Gaming

Rising User
Mar 25, 2016
Hi I am Zivicious Gaming. I decided to start making YouTube because of the inspiration that I got from YouTubers such as Team Robust, ComedyShortsGamer and even smaller channels like Kniight and It's Morgz. I saw how happy they were about having the opportunity to make content for so many people and that is what gave me the final push.

I decided to try making videos until now I have uploaded 3 videos and even though I only get a very few views I am not planning on stopping any time soon. If and only if you would like to watch gaming videos try checkingmy channel out you might like it :)

Also if any of you guys would like to collaborate I am playing on PC. I do also have a PS3 but i do not have a capture card. If you would like to play PS3 then that is fine I am just not going to be able to upload the gameplay on my channel.
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Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
Hi I am Zivicious Gaming. I decided to start making YouTube because of the inspiration that I got from YouTubers such as Team Robust, ComedyShortsGamer and even smaller channels like Kniight and It's Morgz. I saw how happy they were about having the opportunity to make content for so many people and that is what gave me the final push.

I decided to try making videos until now I have uploaded 3 videos and even though I only get a very few views I am not planning on stopping any time soon. If and only if you would like to watch gaming videos try checkingmy channel out you might like it :)

Also if any of you guys would like to collaborate I am playing on PC. I do also have a PS3 but i do not have a capture card. If you would like to play PS3 then that is fine I am just not going to be able to upload the gameplay on my channel.
Heya Zivcious, that's great that you were inspired to start doing youtube videos! People have a lot of good times when they work with the ones they enjoy most. Making content can be taxing at times, what videos do you focus on most?

If you want to collaborate, consider checking out the forums for the collaboration section ^^


This Is Ethan

Respected User
Freedom! Member
May 7, 2015
Welcome to Freedom! If you want any constructive criticism or feedback on a certain video or your channel, just PM me and I'd be glad to help you out!

Zivicious Gaming

Rising User
Mar 25, 2016
That would be awesome! Just checked your channel out. PS you have got a new subscriber!
Did you get 1.508 subs by making 5 videos?!?! That is impressive!
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This Is Ethan

Respected User
Freedom! Member
May 7, 2015
That would be awesome! Just checked your channel out. PS you have got a new subscriber!
Did you get 1.508 subs by making 5 videos?!?! That is impressive!
Haha nope! I did a channel revamp. I used to record Minecraft, but I wasn't very passionate of recording Minecraft nor passionate of those videos. So I revamped my channel, privated all the Minecraft videos, kept the good in real life videos, and here we are today. :) And thanks so much! Really appreciate it! :D