Community What's up


New User
Dec 7, 2016
Im a new member of this community, just joined a few minutes ago. I had a look at the guide and am basing this introduction off of that but I'm adding in some extra information as well.

Your name/alias: shidragon12 or Shi for short.
Where are you from?: Scotland
How old are you?: I'm 14 (My parents didn't like the idea of my real age on YouTube so I had to make it higher, they do however support me with YouTube)
How did you find Freedom!? I was watching a YouTube video about growing your channel and it intrigued me to see this site.
What made you join our forums?: I have spent the past 6 months on another few forums and I've loved the whole idea of forums and once I joined this, I knew I should give it a tryout.
What are your hobbies?: I am in the Explorer Scouts, play the Trombone in a few bands and I also try to do YouTube. I am also a Moderator on a minecraft server.
What is your favorite food? I love nachos. There is this awesome restaurant in town which sells them and they're amazing.
Why did you start YouTube? I primarily started doing YouTube to have some fun. It grew from simply uploading laggy as anything videos towards posting player reports as a staff to starting to do YouTube in a more proper style. Currently, I'm just trying to improve my content.
What is your biggest dream? Currently I'd love to make it to 200 subscribers, just to get out there and to improve my channel and to enjoy doing it as there's no point in not enjoying making videos.
What kind of channel do you run?: My current style of channel is a gaming channel, though when I feel confident enough to face-reveal I will start doing a few vlogs.
How frequently do you upload?: I don't currently have a proper schedule, I upload when I can and when homework doesn't prevent me from getting on my laptop. Currently, I'm being swamped with schoolwork but when it gets to the holidays, I'm going to start changing the direction of my channel to the better.

Things to add: I mostly am a minecraft player, and this is evident since I am currently in my 4-5 month as a staff member on a minecraft server. I love playing video games and am learning more about computers, I am working on learning code but with all of the other activities I do I may not have enough time. Half of my weeknights are spent doing activities but for the majority of my time is spent on my laptop, which gives me the opportunity to make videos. On the server I monitor, I am based around our forums which are similar to these give me knowledge into how forums work. Being on the forums has also built my vocabulary since I actually have to type.

Anyway, I look forward to doing more in the community and meeting lots of you guys. Perhaps it would be cool in the future to do some collaborations.

- Shi


Deleted member 17740

I hope you enjoy your time on the freedom forums and with the freedom family :D

Showcase One

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Jan 12, 2016
Welcome to freedom!
It's important to get a schedule so I say you should upload once a week. Choose a day and upload at a set time on that day.
You can premake videos to schedule them ahead of time if you know your going to be busy.