Whats up guys

NYGaming HQ

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Jun 7, 2015
Hey i would like to get to know a few of you. Tell me about yourself's. What are some of your goals and biggest achievements? What made you want to become a youtuber?

Olivea Sea

Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Hey i would like to get to know a few of you. Tell me about yourself's. What are some of your goals and biggest achievements? What made you want to become a youtuber?

Hi there NYGaming,

So I'm just a girl crazy about making vlogs and doing makeup! My goal in life is to become a successful Makeup Artist and I feel like my biggest achievement is yet to come. I've been out of place for a long time, wrong study, wrong 'friends', wrong environment and I'm changing everything bit by bit to come closer to my goal and as I go on I feel more in tune with myself every day.

I became a youtuber because I felt out of place, I was looking for a hobby or something to get myself busy after school and get my mind of things. I loved youtubers all around and was always kinda jealous until I started myself. My hobby turned into more than that and it let to me discovering my real passion and what actually makes me happy and get some friends along the way, so I will forever thank youtube for that and keep making video's!

NYGaming HQ

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Jun 7, 2015
Hi there NYGaming,

So I'm just a girl crazy about making vlogs and doing makeup! My goal in life is to become a successful Makeup Artist and I feel like my biggest achievement is yet to come. I've been out of place for a long time, wrong study, wrong 'friends', wrong environment and I'm changing everything bit by bit to come closer to my goal and as I go on I feel more in tune with myself every day.

I became a youtuber because I felt out of place, I was looking for a hobby or something to get myself busy after school and get my mind of things. I loved youtubers all around and was always kinda jealous until I started myself. My hobby turned into more than that and it let to me discovering my real passion and what actually makes me happy and get some friends along the way, so I will forever thank youtube for that and keep making video's!

That is very interesting i hope do reach ur goal of becoming a Makeup Artist, like Biggie Smalls once said " Sky is the limit". You go girl!


Mythic User
Hey i would like to get to know a few of you. Tell me about yourself's. What are some of your goals and biggest achievements? What made you want to become a youtuber?

I started up Youtube because I wanted to show a friend something, the video ended up getting a whole lot of views (like 50 or something). Thought that was pretty cool so kept on at it :D
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Goped Fred

Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Feb 13, 2016
A little place called Oblivion
My goals and achievements are more along the lines of life goals. My greatest achievement has to be my daughter, and my goal is to just make her happy. I started youtube because I've been gaming for so long and wanted to share my experiences with otters, and possibly be able to reach out and help somebody.
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Rising User
May 22, 2016
Hey Chris from xCasket here!

-Tell me about yourself-
My name is Chris, I'm 22 years old and I am currently shadowing to because an elevator mechanic in NYC.

-What are some of your goals and biggest achievements-
My biggest goal is to just have a small following on youtube. I don't need to become the next PewDiePie or something like that but I would be completely content with a dedicated fanbase. My biggest achievement currently is that I finished the project I was saying I would for awhile which was my first major review of Donkey Kong 64. You can check it out in my youtube link. I feel like the one time I make my goal would be if I had a booth at a convention somewhere and people came to see me and hang out. that's when I feel I've reached my goal/ Doesn't have to be big, as long as I'm happy :)

-What made you want to become a youtuber?-
My biggest influences of my style are Jontron, Caddicarus and ProJared. The one thing they have in common is that none of them Lets Play channels and I have nothing against let's play channel but that just isn't a style I have fun making. I do have a few lets play videos from around 2 years ago but I wasn't having fun making them so I stopped. I also started to notice that since the rise of lets play there have been a drop in the standard review format. Obviously there are three big ones like the three I just mentioned also with Angry Joe and some others but I felt that there weren't a lot of "standard review". So I felt that I should try to make my own in an attempt to entertain others that look for that same format as me :)


Raid Chico

Rising User
Freedom! Member
May 6, 2016
Hello, I'm Raid Chico.

I'm a 15 year old Youtuber who recently made a channel. I've been playing videogames on PC and Xbox since about a couple of years ago. Ever since I layed hands on these video games, I fell in love from the start. I typically now play Xbox One Call Of Duty and also recently started to participate in "Game Battles". I'm actually more happy then I ever was once I started a Youtube 2 months ago. It's been a marvelous journey so far, and hope it will be one along the road. My achievment is honestly making it this far as a Youtuber in only 2 months. I've gained so much support than I expected and this makes me happy. It just makes me happy for what I love to do and I actually get positive feedback and so much love :).

I started a Youtube because I spend all these hours and time invested in playing in videogames. I've decided one day that I take a step forward and start a Youtube so I can get something out of what I love doing. I love editing montages, making videos, and interacted with fans. This makes me so happy that what I actualy do has a purpose on people's feelings! :)

My goal as of right now is to gain 1,000 subscribers! I am really close and hope to get it soon.

What about you? What is your personality like and what made you start YouTube? I would love to know! :)

-Raid Chico

NYGaming HQ

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Jun 7, 2015
"What about you? What is your personality like and what made you start YouTube? I would love to know!"

Good question. I started a YT channel because just like you i spent a lot of time playing video games. Im a pretty chill person that likes to joke around and talk a lot of trash (lol).

P.S Everybody else comment was very interesting !


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Apr 17, 2016
My main goals right now are to gain a following on YouTube, and create something out of my channel. I would also like to graduate college and become an engineer, because that is something I have wanted to do since I was a freshman in high school. I wanted to become a YouTuber for a lot of reasons. The biggest is probably just because I was kind of bored one day, I have watched other people on YouTube for years and years so I thought one day while I was all by myself I would make my own video. I also started YouTube because I never really felt like I had any hobbies, or anywhere that I really fit in, I didn't have very many friends, so I thought I would attempt at making friends on the interwebs.