Gaming Whats up Freedom family Im K3MPO and this is my story!!


New User
Feb 3, 2016
Waaayyyy back in the days of when i used to set up my android phone on a chair from the kitchen to record my vids XD Or waaayyyy back when i used to have to record with my laptop camera for "vlogs" Ive always belived that theres gonna be a point and time where Im finally able to say "I did it". I've always had that dream of being able to reply to my fans comments and entertain or put a smile on somebodys face when theyre having a bad day. I grew up with not alot of money so I really had to make the best of what i had at the time. Then my parent got good jobs and I capitalized on the opportunity to get the equipment i need to produce good content for everyone!! I want everyone to grow with me and we can all help the rise of the KEMPO ARMY!!!

Heres my link to my channel just incase you guys wanna check me out ;)


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Nov 11, 2015
York, Pennsylvania
Welcome to Freedom, one day you will hopefully reach that point. Just keep moving forward. You might find the guide I will link at the bottom very useful to you as well as other links below. I hope you enjoy your time in the Freedom Forums!

Here is the method of how to get the youtube subscribe button at the bottom of each of your post like I do.

Here is a small guide made by a Youtube Certified Growth Professional and I for you and other YouTube channels.


Proud Nerd & YouTuber
Freedom! Member
Waaayyyy back in the days of when i used to set up my android phone on a chair from the kitchen to record my vids XD Or waaayyyy back when i used to have to record with my laptop camera for "vlogs" Ive always belived that theres gonna be a point and time where Im finally able to say "I did it". I've always had that dream of being able to reply to my fans comments and entertain or put a smile on somebodys face when theyre having a bad day. I grew up with not alot of money so I really had to make the best of what i had at the time. Then my parent got good jobs and I capitalized on the opportunity to get the equipment i need to produce good content for everyone!! I want everyone to grow with me and we can all help the rise of the KEMPO ARMY!!!

Heres my link to my channel just incase you guys wanna check me out ;)
Welcome to the forums, hope you enjoy your stay here :)