Gaming Whats going on everyone

May 22, 2016
Hello every one my name if Francisco and I've been making content for almost a month you can find me at "Chikito98", loving every second of it (most of the time) lol feel free to check me out you would catch me playing mainly league of legends the forest and gta with accuple of me friends and just an all out fun experiences and dont worry nothing but important.

why is my name chikito98: i was the smallest one in my family back in the day now that ive gotten taller its pretty funny. 98 is because i was born in 1998

tell me why you peeps chose your username ?

Im also really hyped up on building a community or joining one so dont be afraid to hit me up, Tell me in ways i can improve or anything i can help with if i know how to i got you :)

Name:Francisco(just call me chikito)
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