What do you think about the Burka?


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Feb 21, 2015
Hey guys in the recent event of things, France and the Netherlands have banned the Burka in security areas for recently obvious reasons. I just wanted to know what you guys think about it. Imo I think they should be banned not for the fact of their religion but only for the reason of safety as people are using the religions to cower behind and in a way have someone to blame it on. So what do you think about the bans?

Olivea Sea

Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
I think that people who choose to wear the full burka's shut themselves out of society, if they do it voluntary or not it makes a statement you just can't get around. You can say of course that is is their own choice, so who are we to judge... but I think if you want to live in a society and use it's facility's you have to participate in this society as well (If your able to.) By wearing a full Burka you put yourself in a very isolated situation where integration is a very difficult thing to achieve and if you don't want that, then why are you here.....?

I work in a Photostudio in my free time and make ID photographs. I meet allot of people from locals to foreigners who are currently integrating ect. Sometimes they don't speak the language and that is fine if they at least make an effort to try and communicate. I've seen forigneirs who do their best to at least to say hi or thank you in my language and that makes me smile.... however I get shocked when I meet women who raises her kids here for more then 18 years and has become dependent on the language skills of her kid instead of trying to learn anything about the language of the country she living in. (These people live in my neighborhood so I know they have been here forever in their own bubble.) When I see a modern age girl of 4 years old who does not know the language of the country she is born in and is tucked away in a burka, I question her future and opportunity's.

I wish that I could say that I encounter as much foreigners from every random country and religion with these problems, but I'm sad to say that in my experience it's just not the case. I do not care if you wear any kind of religious garment a burka, headscarf, kipper or a turban for example, but what I do care about is if you integrate and at least try to be a part of society you live in......
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Active Member
Freedom! Member
Sep 30, 2015
My understanding of it is this. If you can be expected to remove a motorbike helmet at a bank/petrol station/security gate. Why not that?


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Feb 21, 2015
Hey guys in the recent event of things France and the Netherlands have banned the Burka in security areas for recently obvious reasons. I just wanted to know what you guys think about it. Imo I think they should be banned not for the fact of their religion but only for the reason of safety as people are using the religions to coward behind and in a way have someone to blame it on. So what do you think about the bans?
My understanding of it is this. If you can be expected to remove a motorbike helmet at a bank/petrol station/security gate. Why not that?
now that is a good way to sum it up


Rising User
Oct 22, 2015
for many it is their choice after all and I've met many who do and aside from that forcing them won't solve anything tbh


Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Mar 10, 2015
the burka has nothing to do with religion, it was a way to protect oneself from rapists and the harsh desert winds. So it is not nessesary and yes I think they should put it off in secure areas especially after recent events.

harron poulton

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Nov 16, 2015
i think the burka is a pointless addition to the muslim religion anyone could hide under them, like terrorists not being racist in anyway but look at whats happening right now!

Perrie McGuire

CMS Manager
Freedom! Member
It all falls down to to the way people live and their religion, I respect them all but when it comes to integrating into a different country that also have their own traditions and religion foreigners should respect it also and not use their own religion as an excuse to separate themselves from society, after all we are all human regardless of religion or race.

I don't think banning the Burka is necessary either. Muslim women use the Burka or Hijab because they feel strongly about their religion and feel it is an obligation or commitment to their husband.

Maybe a change in the way it is used in public places and for security reasons but banning it completely will only make the situation worse.

Olivea Sea

Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
You realize how that sounds right?
"I don't feel safe, lose your culture"

Yes you are right I do not feel safe, I'm traveling trough busy parts of my country for school and I'm freaking scared of even sitting in the train due to recent events. I'm sorry that I do not value culture above my own life and safety.

ps. I know this sounds harsh but I'm just scared, the reality is becoming more scary everyday. At the moment Brussel is al over the news with everything that is going on. It just has gone to far and the fact is that these people, who wear Burka's are practicing a form of extreme belief and that is what scares me. It is not just the fact that they wear the thing but the extremism behind it all.
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Ant Modrow

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jun 14, 2016
i was in a bank in the metropolitan area and this black guy thug ish had to take off his baseball cap so they can see his face on camera.