What do you focus your gaming channel on?


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Nov 6, 2014
This question has been my obsession lately, and I'm curious about everyone else as well. Especially if this is something you haven't thought about a lot. Because it's a REALLY important distinction.

There are two ways to take this:
1) If you're strictly into game content, what type of games?
2) Or, if it's more about commentary and discussion: what is your mission?

I'm particularly interested in the second, because that's where I find myself.
Originally, I didn't think I had a "message" so to speak; just wanted to make videos because I enjoyed it. Until I realized that, yeah, there is a philosophy behind it. But over the course of about the last year or so, I've been refining what I think my message is, until most recently (within the last two weeks) deciding it was "positive promotion of gaming culture". Even that, though, I don't think is true anymore. Because I'm rarely positive. And that's because (frankly) I'm pissed off. At least in terms of most of what I tend to talk about. So lately I'm playing with this idea in my head that more than anything, I'm here to defend gaming. And that feels like the right characterization, but I've refined it so many times and even so recently, that I'm reluctant to say, "yeah! That's it!"

So that's why I wanted to ask you all. What do you guys feel is your reason for doing YouTube? Or more specifically, your mission/message if you have one.


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Feb 18, 2015
We play video games and have funny conversations to make the audience feel as if they are there with us on the couch. Mainly to make people forget about their problems, even if its just for a moment, and to make people smile and happy.
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Goped Fred

Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Feb 13, 2016
A little place called Oblivion
I've been a relatively pessimistic person my whole life. I honestly feel I can turn the tides and refectory on everything through this channel. I've been wanting to start a gaming channel for some time now, just because gaming is all fun for me. I want to make friendships and share my experiences. I've had an epiphany, though, right before I've decided to take this step and plunge into YouTube. I absolutely LOVE to help people, so I'm going to use my channel more for good. I want to spread positivity through my viewers and give them the tools to game happier. These games are meant to be an outlet, and I feel as if the community is breaking it down and twisting it into toxic venom. I want to be able to say that I've made a difference, if even a little, to make the gaming world a better place, and to help spread the words of love to those who need to hear it most.
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Hail Kira

Game Show Host
Freedom! Member
Feb 5, 2014
British Columbia
Im a big South Park fan... So I try to feature everything south park I can.

But Im a major long time gamer as well, so I like to play all sorts of stuff.

But im also married with 3 kids and I work... so my time constraints often require me to be a more casual kind of gamer...


Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
I'm more about having good times/experiences with the games I play. Working with other people is a priority I want to start working on as well. I feel that building a great rapport with your friends/family can translate to audiences as well.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jul 29, 2014
Ehhh, I upload Halo
and with the what type of videos do i upload i guess its a balance of the gameplay and the commentary, some videos i have a topic which are the ones you can tell are pre recorded and the live Warzone games are the ones where i just want to talk about my goal in a certain video game or answer any questions on any of my videos or on the forums


New User
Mar 5, 2016
I focus mostly on short story driven games. Long games can become tedious and convoluted, while short action games are boring and repetitive. I love a good story game where I can get into the characters mindset and make decisions whilst involving the audience. I recently played "Firewatch" which is by far one of my new favorite games, and you are met quite frequently with morale dilemmas. I would take a short pause and talk it out, out-loud, as though the audience is my own subconscious.

The things I look for while watching videos are:

A. Am I having fun or laughing?
B. Am I learning something?
C. Am I answering 'life changing' questions?

I enjoy a good Markiplier video every once in a while because he delves deep into what it means to be conscious while playing a video game. I love a good thought provoking video, so why not create them myself?