Gaming Well hello! :D


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Feb 11, 2016
I been a freedom member for wow, few years now; and honestly never think i introduced myself. Sure i made most here and there but never really said hi.

So hello! haha. My name is Joey , most games i go by Rarity or if its taken Rarity-
I use to be big into a bad FPS called Combat Arms , now i play pretty much whatever. Been playing alot of a new game called black squad early released steam. Oh that remind me my steam name if you wish to add me IhackMenWhyQQ , is a joke back to combat arms and ArmA Where battlEye or nexon always banned me for dumb stuff, or for "hacking" , Never did. Well ok thats a lie in ArmA 2 DayZ mod i ran a server and sometimes i may of may not of turned off battleye and used Loki LostKey to spawn in weapon boxes and armed me and my clan up before turn battleye back on and killing bambi's. As you can see i can get distracted very easy. I do run a clan in most games called ExempT. I love tactical shooters like ArmA and planetside 2. But a good MMORPG now and then is always fun. I do play a game most of you will find dumb called Astonia Rebron, a 2d MMORPG. Anyway glad to still be a member of the family.

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