Gaming Welcome to TheEpicBrosCast Youtube Channel

Tristan Tuggle

New User
Freedom! Member
Aug 8, 2016
Our names: We are Tristan,Kevin,and Lonnie.

How old are you?: Kevin is in his twenties, Tristan is 19 turning 20 and Lonnie is 14 about to be 15

How did we find Freedom!? We were looking for a partnership to help bring up our youtube channel and expand our horizon.

What made you join our forums?: George asking us to introduce ourselves.

What are your hobbies?:
Kevin is in the US Army in Networking and loves gaming.

Tristan is into computers and getting his Computer Science degree. He loves coding and is working on his own video game.

Lonnie loves games, hanging with friends, and coding (Learning from Tristan)

Why did you start YouTube?
Back in the past I used to run the channel alone (Tristan) and just got way too busy to upload. I decide to restart and bring back content but with the help of my friends. We joined to bring YOU the best content you can see :)

What is our biggest goal?
Our goal is to make people laugh, cry, smile and just have a great time. We invite YOU to join in on the fun and be a part of TheEpicBrosCast.

What kind of channel do we run?:
We run a gaming channel and might do unboxing videos later on.

How frequently do we upload?:
We try to at least upload a video a day for EACH series. Sometimes it might be hard but we make sure to bring you the best content.

A thing to add if anyone was wondering. Tristan is the Founder and Creator of the channel. He controls the money and edits everything. We trust him and are happy to be working with him.


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