Entertainment Welcome to Relo Productions

Relo Productions

New User
May 10, 2017
Hello Freedom Community, I am Kindoe from Relo Productions. We are a channel that makes a wide variety of videos, primarily gaming related ones.

We consist of 5 total members, me, Kindoe (KJ), TheDarkZoroark (Aron), KXNG (LJ), D3MONIC (DJ), and DJ2J (Justin). Each of us have a skill to offer the channel in order for us to succeed.
We are located in Saint Louis, Missouri.
We range from ages 14-16.
How did you find Freedom!?
Some things we do together is play video games, watch videos, make jokes, and other random things.
Before it was the 5 of us, it was just me, Kindoe. Older videos will show that I made things on my own for about a year. I didn't want to do it on my own, so I got together with the other guys to turn my channel into our channel.
Eventually we want to become a business going outside of YouTube, but I feel this platform is a great way to start.
We usually get out 3-5 videos out per week, and this will increase in the future.

Right now we're trying to get to 10K total views so we can start monetizing my channel and become a full member of the Freedom Family. It'd be great if you go check it out, and maybe give us some feedback. I'll answer any questions you may have. Have a nice day!
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