Gaming Welcome to my Channel! :)

Kurt Wilson

New User
Hey everybody! My name is Kurt, and I'm a sophomore at my local high school. I make gaming content of mostly world of warcraft, and I hope you guys check my channel out! :)

Your name: Kurt
(Optional) Where are you from?: New Hampshire, USA - ;)
(Optional) How old are you?: Currently 15 years of age.
How did you find Freedom!?: I found Freedom about half a year ago mostly through people I watched on YouTube.
What made you join our forums?: I wanted to talk to the other people of Freedom! This is a family of course!
What are your hobbies?: Gaming and Watching Movies. Also reading. Other than that, my life isn't very exciting euugh.
What is your favorite food? Favorite food? Oh jeez. I'd have to say Hamburger?
Why did you start YouTube? This is a dream of mine: Gaming and Entertaining. YouTube is and can be a perfect mix of exactly that, and yeah. I want to make people laugh - even though I'm not so good at that yet. haha
(Optional)What is your biggest dream? To make a video game. Ever since I was little I wanted to make video games, and I even want to go to College for that.
What kind of channel do you run?: It's gaming, as you may have already seen. It's primarily what I want to do, but i'd like to dabble in other things.
What kind of content do you upload?: All sorts of content! Currently I'm just doing World of Warcraft because that's one of the games that I enjoy the most.
When do you upload?: Usually everyday, if not every other day!
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