Gaming Video Game Guides - Looking for group.


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Jan 8, 2015
Age: 22

Channel main topic: My channel is focused on games, but I mainly do video game guides. (When a new game is out)
I want to gather a group of people and when a game comes out, I want you to help me create guides. This will go for however long you want to help us create this content.

I aspire to make quality video game guides. All the guides I have done on YouTube haven't done half bad.

Let's say it's a guide on finding all items in Uncharted? It is hard for one person to do, but with many people, it should be easy - but this applies to any game.

Everyone who helps me - even if it's the smallest contribution - I will place a link to the channel in the comments of the guide you helped me create. The faster we can make them, the faster people can see it, which in turn will help our channels. But please understand this IS a gamble. We may score and have a good amount of views... or we might fail and not get many. But you can use the knowledge I found, as well as your own and others here if you wish, to make your own guide.

I feel as if we can all work together here, ya know?

Now I understand I will be the one with the video here - unless you wanna make one yourself, as we can all work together if this is your sort of thing. I don't mind. It's the least I can do, but if I help, just return the favour with the link, alright?

I hope this is acceptable. But we can (all together as a group) discuss if anything is out of place, and we can all come to an agreement - I want you to share the success, I don't want to steal or take it.

Hopefully this is alright, and I have followed everything I was meant to have.

Once there is an interest here, I'll throw down my E-mail or something.

Upcoming games that have things I wanna focus on, I'll message people. This will allow people to know what we're looking for, but you're also not obligated to help. You can help with one game and not with another, if you know what I mean?
I won't hold anything against you. We're all busy. I also won't rush you, but once the videos go up, they go up.

So, let's all work together. Let's become a team.

I'll be honest with you, because I should always be. As the one who wants to do the videos - remember, if you make them, that's alright, and I'll help you, too.

But the one with the video will profit the most.. I know that much is obvious. So whilst it is a gamble for me, it's even more for you, because they need to find my video and check the description, then go to your channel and like it. I just want us all to know that it could go many ways. At the very least, the smallest amount of help will at the least show your name. So there is that. I cannot for obvious reasons promise you'll be rolling in subs...

Also, adding names to the end of the video might be a bad idea - how many of us will stay to the end? Most I can do is mention in the video through text that there is a list of contributors in the description.

But I want to be fair and honest as I can.

Any further questions, just ask.

(Optional) What games/Which platform would you like to Collaborate: Currently, I do PS4 and PC

Amount of subscribers: 465

Other ways to contact you: Skype - E-mail, through Freedom.
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